Yak wanted to sprint back so he could follow on his bike.
Roll read the look on his face. “If Nora’s in that vehicle, she’s safe, Yak.”
A battle blew up inside him. He wanted to get to Nora, but he needed retribution.
He locked eyes with Rage. “What about the other vehicles? Cops taking in all the fuckin’ Devil Lancers?”
Rage dipped his chin. “They got Ghost and Prime in the back of a marked JSO Explorer.”
He turned on his heel. “Fine. I’m goin’ to get my woman.”
Roll grabbed Yak’s bicep. “You don’t even know where they took her.”
His eyes narrowed. “I don’t get to beat the shit out of Ghost or Prime. What’s the fuckin’ point?”
Before anyone could respond, Yak’s phone rang. The display indicated it was a Private caller. He suspected it was a police cell and he took the call.
“It’s me, honey,” Nora said.
He exhaled hard. “Thank, fuck. Where are you headed?”
“How do you know—”
“Saw an unmarked vehicle fly by, Rage told me two females were inside and you were most likely one of them.”
“They’re taking me and Suzy—”
“Suzy?” he almost hollered.
“Yeah, Ghost tased her this morning.”
He ran a hand through his hair. “Fuckin’ hell.”
She chuckled and he clenched his jaw. Not a damn thing was funny, but he needed to know where she was.
“It’s good she was there, she got me out of my zip tie. Anyway, they’re taking us downtown to the FDLE building. Do you know where it is?”
“Yeah. It isn’t far from the juvenile detention center. I’m familiar.”
He heard a voice in the background. “It will be a while before you’ll be able to leave, Ms. Ellis.”
Yak blew out a breath. “Tell that officer, I don’t care how long I gotta wait. I’m gonna be there to take you home.”
Yak said very little after we left the FDLE building. He insisted that I wear a helmet. I opened my mouth to point out I’d dealt with much more danger that day, but the quelling look he gave me stopped me cold. We roared through downtown, but rather than head toward the house in Avondale, we rode to the clubhouse.
Considering that Suzy and I had been abducted, I expected a very somber crowd inside the Riot clubhouse. My expectations were totally wrong. The brothers were having a party - almost as though nothing happened.
There were even some of the Biloxi brothers in town.
With my hand on Yak’s tattooed bicep, I asked, “Why are there out-of-town brothers here?”
His jaw clenched and he ran his hand down his face. “Lots of reasons, but Suzy’s sister is the Biloxi President’s old lady. Pretty sure that has a fuckuva lot to do with it.”
“I see.”