Page 10 of Fighting a Riot

Between Yak’s pep-talk and the sound of rustling clothes, I snapped.

I strode into my bedroom. “Did you think you were safe because your bimbo here took my keys and my wallet? Really, Destin?”

They both spoke at the same time. Destin’s tone became placating as he said, “Nora.”

Mia scoffed. “I’m a bimbo now? Last night you were hanging on me telling me I was the best girlfriend a girl could ever have.”

I glared at her. “I lied. Surprised you couldn’t tell, but it seems you were too damned busy lying to me.”

“Who the hell’s he?” Destin demanded, glaring at Yak.

I angled my body between him and Yak, forcing Destin’s eyes back to me. “He’s none of your business.”

“Didn’t take you long to find someone else,” Destin said.

My eyes widened. “You idiot! He runs the strip club cuntasaurus over there insisted we go to last night.”

I heard Yak’s heavy footsteps behind me, felt his heat at my back, then it receded.

“You sorry-ass motherfucker. You’re worse than the scum of an asshole. You were at Platinum’s last night.”

Destin crossed his arms on his chest. “What? No, I wasn’t.”

“You drive a black Lexus sedan. I had to tell you to get out of reserved parking for the dancers. Did you and your bitch fuck in the parking lot last night?”

Destin’s finger stopped just before it stroked the side of his face. Anytime he lied, he ran his finger along the edge of his face.

“Got security footage we can check. Turn that shit over to JSO, get you on lewd and lascivious.”

“You can’t do that,” Destin hissed.

I should have been even more embarrassed than ever, but I was far too angry. I glared at Mia. “You never went to the bathroom alone, last night. You went out to the parking lot. How can you… God! You’re such a two-faced backstabber.”

Mia had shrugged into one of Destin’s t-shirts. “He kicked you out last night. You don’t live here, you’re trespassing.”

“Her name’s still on the lease. She’s not trespassing, you are, bitch,” Roll said from the doorway.

Mia screamed.

Destin’s fair skin turned an even deeper shade of pink and I feared his head might explode. “Who the hell is he?”

“Your worst fuckin’ nightmare, if you don’t start tellin’ our girl the truth.”

Our girl? That was so sweet, I almost smiled.

“Baby, you know better than that. I’m their worst nightmare. You’re just the opening act,” Trixie said.

I glanced over my shoulder again. Trixie stood just inside the room. She shot me a grin. “Which bag of trash should we take out first, Nora?”

“Who’s she?” Destin asked.

The gleam of sheer mischief in Trixie’s eyes kept me focused on her.

“I’m the biker bitch who’s tired of lookin’ at your pencil dick. Use that hand towel to cover up. It’ll be more than enough to do the job.”

My gaze slid to Yak. He stood with his eyes closed and his lips visibly fighting a grin.

That did it. I snapped again, but this time into peals of laughter.