Page 2 of Kintolf Rising

A loud roar bounces off the cave walls and I jump to my feet, race over and tightly grip the bars, turning my knuckles white. It’s him! The blue-clawed alien is practically being dragged down the passageway. Swallowing hard, I can’t breathe. The experiments are never good, and I don’t want to think about what might happen to him. Craning my neck as much as possible, I watch until he’s out of sight before I slowly wander back to the wall and slide down again.

Voices boom down the cave; one I recognize, the other two are low, deadly. The echo from the walls makes it hard to understand, but I make out the word ‘freak’ followed by an angry roar.

My thoughts are constantly on the guy with light blue skin and blue tuffs of dark fur across his shoulders. Hard ridges under his skin run down his back. My mind races with terrifying scenarios of what they might be doing to him.

Stop that! I chide myself.

Sitting here, I hide in the shadows of my own personal hell. Maybe they will forget about me. It’s worth a shot.

With my legs drawn up, forehead resting on top of my knees, I just keep picturing the clawed alien and wonder what they might be doing to him. I wish there was some way to escape this hellhole.

Caught off guard daydreaming, I miss the clop clop clop of my captors until they draw near. My eyes pop open in an instant but stay locked on the floor, chest moving slightly as I breathe in and out. The heart-pounding undulated fear unfolds and I raise my eyes slightly to the cell door. The closer the sound, the more I tremble. Please don’t stop here.

Clop clop clop, the sound becomes increasingly louder—then dead silence.

Oh shit!

Prickles run the length of my spine, my skin crawls form the heavy stare of its beady eyes and I know—I know they are coming for me. I feel it all the way to my bones.

The dreaded sound of the locking mechanism being activated. My heart gallops like a bunch of horses, or a stampede, and for a mere second, I think I might throw up.

Slowly, I lift my eyes further, swallowing hard. Two Acradidia—two monstrous spider-like aliens—step inside, their beady eyes locking with mine.

Breathe, Myla.

I know better than to fight; their acidic blood will burn through my skin. I found that out the hard way.

One hand (if you can call it that) wraps around my upper arm, effortlessly yanking me to my feet. Its long slender stick fingers dig into my skin, jerking me forward.

With heavy legs, I shuffle my feet and take one step after another, trying to prolong the inevitable for as long as possible.

My life flashes before my eyes, and at twenty-four, I haven’t even begun to live yet. I want to explore, see new things…I used to want to meet new species, learn more about their cultures. Farm life is all I’ve known, and I long for more.

Until now.

Now I only want to escape this hell I’ve been living in. Go home, see Mom and Dad, snuggle into my warm bed, hug my dog Henry.

I fear I’ll never have the chance as I slowly march to what feels like my death.

My eyes shift to every cell we pass. Some are empty, but most are filled with humanoid aliens. One sickly yellow-colored alien lifts his head, glowing yellow eyes lock with mine. Its forked tongue strikes with a hiss, and I lurch away and gasp, now putting a face to that tongue I’ve seen so many times. He is humanoid after all…sort of. I shiver.

Reluctantly continuing to walk on, my gaze lands on two blue men—or males—with piercing ebony eyes. One has long black hair, one shoulder length, both have corded muscles, although one is smaller in stature, but just barely. Something inside me shifts—I’m not afraid of them as they stare with an intensity that should scare the hell out of me. They both radiate domination, yet something draws me to them. It’s strange really, but I feel as if they would protect me and I want to stay with them.

As the spider marches me along, I hold the blue aliens’ gazes until they’re no longer in sight, breaking the lust-haze trance.

What just happened? I shake my head and stare straight ahead.

On down the passagewa0y, glancing to the cell on the left, there is another man with tanned-skin, wild ebony eyes, and short black hair, who looks more Human than anyone else here. Unlike the other two, I feel nothing but pity for him. Maybe a little fear.

I haven’t seen much in the way of aliens before, not really, but as we pass by, I see the faces with unmistakable, dire expressions of desperation and anger. Their destitute feelings are palpable even on my tongue, tasting bitter, like death itself.

I gag a little.

The spider drags me into the familiar sterile- looking room with a metal chair. Unlike the cave walls, this is a room inside a room, a large dark gray metal box blocking the moldy smell that permeates my cell. Breath rushes from my lungs. I’ve been here before, so I know what to expect.

Shackled to the chair with energy bands around my ankles, wrists, and forehead, I frantically shift my eyes continuously around the room. To the left—a gravitating table with long needles, a few blunt instruments, one syringe filled with the dreaded thick yellow liquid. To the right—two Acradidia studying something on a computer screen as another robot/computer floats in front of my body. Every so often, a set of beady eyes glance my way. Maybe I’m wrong, but they look happy, or at least satisfied as the robot grabs the yellow-filled syringe.

My chest heaves as I stare at the syringe, the needle pointed in front of my face. If I ever get the chance, I’ll stab them with that enormous needle and see how they like it.