Page 20 of Kintolf Rising

“No, just seeing if you fucked Tekil. You have not.” He grins even wider. “I guess he just doesn’t have what it takes to satisfy a female.”

I try to duck under his arms, but he blocks me with his naked body, pressing tightly against me.

With his mouth near my ear, his breath brushes my cheek when he says, “Stay with me tonight and I’ll show you what you’re missing.”

Anger boils up, but before I can say or do anything, I see Tekil stalking over with pure, unchecked rage in his eyes.


He feels the distance growing between the two of them, and he has no idea how to fix it.

Perhaps Vi’del and Zeno have some answers, he thinks, then dismisses the idea. It is doubtful. Neither of them has been with a female either—certainly not a Human female.

It’s not that he doesn’t know how; on Kintuke, the biology and history of sexual reproduction is taught in school, along with their more advanced methods to create the perfect offspring. With the DNA donation, nothing is left to chance. It’s one of the reasons why the Kintue abandoned the old ways long ago.

I would have taken the female last night, Vi’del comments.

I will take her the first chance I get. To sink inside her soft body….mmm…and finally sate this painful erection, Zeno adds.

Their unsolicited commentary makes Tekil feel more inferior than ever.

He has no doubt that both Zeno and Vi’del will follow through where he has failed. They are both larger, more muscular, and they are able to maintain their natural forms, unlike Tekil, who remains trapped as a half-beast.

A sudden movement catches his eye: Andred. He is stalking up to Myla, who has backed herself against a tree and is staring up at him with widened eyes.

Tekil closes his eyes and sniffs. There it is…her scent, something like the virtual scents of the flowers which long ago grew on Kintuke, before technology and a gradual cultural mindshift drew them away from such…impractical pleasures.

Overlaying her…pheromones…is the smell of fear. She is afraid of Andred.

Tekil opens his eyes in time to see Andred pressing his body against hers, and loses all sense of civilized thought.

A roar rips from his throat and he launches himself at Andred in a rage. Andred spins around, growling in return, beginning to crouch down and transform….

“NO!” Myla cries, throwing herself between them.

Kill him! Vi’del and Zeno echo in unison inside his head. He is not to be trusted. Kill him and get it over with!

All at once, sanity returns. Tekil slowly stands, regaining his composure. I cannot.

He will try and take the female, and perhaps kill you in the process, Vi’del reminds him.

Maybe, but Myla defended him. If I hurt him now, what will she think of me? And, I may need his help.

She defended Andred…she defended Andred… Tekil keeps repeating over and over in his head. She chose Andred even if she didn’t mean to.

A pain zips through his chest, and he walks away.

“Tekil! Tekil, wait up!”

He turns slightly and sees Myla rushing toward him. Andred watches in obvious delight a few feet away. She lifts a hand, then lets it fall again, as though uncertain what to do. What is she thinking?

“I’m sorry,” she says softly. “I didn’t mean to cause trouble. I don’t know what’s happening to me...”

That makes two of us. He doesn’t say it aloud.

Tekil turns, carefully cupping her cheek in the palm of his hand.

“It is all right, Myla, I am the one who lost my temper.”