Page 16 of Kintolf Rising

“Try me. I think I can keep up,” I quip, mildly irritated.

“I am from the Ruling Quad…”

“The government, got it,” I interrupt, waving a dismissive hand.

“Every decision made by the Leaders is handed down to me, and I am responsible for recording them.”

Wait, what? When I think about an historian, a librarian comes to mind. Someone who records births, history, significant events of the planet. This isn’t remotely the same.

Anger washes over me and I’m not sure why, but I’m pissed. Maybe it’s because I’m back to square one and know nothing about Tekil. Maybe this irrational mood swing is from the experiments. Whatever the cause, I try to tamp it down…and fail.

“News flash, that does not make you an historian.”

“I told you it was difficult to understand.”

“It’s not difficult to understand!” I blurt angrily. “I’m not daft, you’re just not explaining it correctly. An historian records history. You know, life events, wars, that kind of thing. You are entrusted with recording rulings and records. If you make an error, it’s a life-changing error in the rules and laws of Kintuke. That’s not a freakin’ historian.” Dusting the backside of my pants off after I stand, I give him a smirk. “Thanks for the food. I’m going to get some rest.”

Turning my back, I storm off.

There’s no reason to be so irritated, I chide myself. Okay, yes there is. When he said it’s difficult to understand, well, that hit a nerve and made me mad. I know I’m not as smart as him, but maybe he should explain things better.

Stalking toward the drooping branches that have now become my room, I feel a little guilty for getting mad at him. While I rested, he went out and killed something for us to eat; he hasn’t even slept yet.

When I reach the entrance, I drop to my knees and crawl inside. Laying on my right side again facing the entrance, I tuck my hands under my head.

What I wouldn’t give for some soap and water, anything to wash some of the dirt away, scrub the dried blood from my hair. Then maybe I would feel better about myself.


Tomorrow I will search for a pool of water. There has to be a river or lake somewhere—there was too much of it dripping from the sky in the city not to be.




As she walks away, he deflates. The smell of her anger fills his nostrils

I do not know what to do, he thinks.

About what? Vid’el answers.

Tekil smiles; he hadn’t realized he was projecting, which has happened a few times now. This is still all so new to him—to all of them.

I have made Myla upset and I do not know why.

The female?


If only he knew how to talk to her, how to gain her trust, but he found it difficult to find the right words. Perhaps if he spoke to her as he did the others—be open and ask what he wants to know? Perhaps then…

I cannot help you, brother.

Looking over his shoulder, he watches as she crawls inside the canopy made tent and wonders if he should join her. Indecision is a terrible monster that’s alive and well, so he tarries a little longer outside.

The sun peaks over the horizon, sending streaks of deep yellow across a dark blue sky. Knowing he cannot take much sunlight, Tekil stabs a stick into the ground, pushes up from the rock and heads to the canopy. The tree is large, its thick, drooping branches offering the perfect escape as it completely encloses the area. Although it is almost completely dark inside, he can see fine.