Page 87 of Knowing Trust

And in the name of doing better, I called a meeting in Faerie once the final results of Stefanie’s condition came in. It was all of the commanders and captains along with nobles. Also, my guys, dad, and advisors. Everyone was on edge because they were worried about the topic and my mental state after everything that happened.

“Things need to change,” I told them all. “I have felt this way for a while and have been very vocal since the first moment I had Guardians and commanders reporting about my private life to ancients. I’ve had nobles try to involve themselves in my love life and school. It’s not even my not having the shield of a ruling queen as the heir.

“There’s just not enough—everything got blurred. We have laws and clear lines, but there was too much corruption. We know this and there has been a lot of resetting. I’m not resetting my life—me and the rules there because of how people acted when I fainted—that cannot happen ever again. Nobles I’ve never spoken with besides in passing tried to step up and act like my medical proxy.

“That’s insane. It’s criminal in my mind because it kept my actual healer and father from doing what they wanted. So this is a storm and issue that has been brewing with me for too long.” I glanced at the commanders. “I’ve also been very vocal how you all wear too many hats. Onas is one of the only ones who has a designated role and we burned him out so bad he broke.

“We need to do better. We keep putting it off until things are more stable and—we wait much longer and we won’t make it to there. That’s where I’m at. As we rebuild, we need to get the foundations right or—Queen Sasha is correct that I need to start giving the answers or people will give them for me.”

“We agree, but we’re still unsure which answer you want to give, Your Highness,” Shael muttered.

“For starters, I’m upset how people behaved when Stefanie was injured,” I said, not quite ready to get there. “We didn’t even have the full scope of it and people were ready to stuff her in a barrel and send her downstream. Have some fucking respect and decency. That mentality needs to change. Big time. And I want to open a division of civilian jobs for the Guardians.”

“And you want to use injured Guardians who cannot serve anymore,” someone whispered, giving me a shocked look as they put it together.

“Yes, the humans have it—in America at least, and I cannot believe it’s only them. Veterans Affairs helps those who serve or have served their country, especially those who were injured. I will not have an epidemic in the world I lead like they do kicking those who served their people to the side like garbage.

“There are administrative jobs that can easily be done by someone who lost part of a wing or limb. They have the training and knowledge and were hurt in the line of duty and we just toss them aside? No, no more. Not while I’m fucking in charge. And before anyone accuses me that this is just about Stefanie—”

“It’s not,” she whispered. “You brought it up the first time two years ago after you woke Light and Dark Guardians who were injured as I was or weren’t whole. You made it clear that they weren’t just booted or—you’ve made your position on this clear. We just didn’t have the infrastructure for it all.”

“Yeah, shame on me for allowing that. Now we will.” I was glad when people seemed to accept that. “And hopefully, this will help the perception that people are broken or useless even if they don’t have their full magic. It’s pathetic.” That shocked people. “I’m more powerful than five of the commanders combined? More? That doesn’t make them useless.

“That makes me more fucking powerful. Enough. Seriously, it’s a crass and heartless position to take and stems from this racist shit that we’re better than everyone. We’re not. If what we’ve uncovered hasn’t shown that to everyone then there’s no saving us.”

Again, I gave them another moment with that.

“We have all of the Guardians awake now, and those who wanted to become Faerie Guardians have all been interviewed and switched. So now is the time to make changes.” I clicked the remote and brought up the first slide. “Going forward, there will be a division. I know there were some lines between which Guardians were police and who were army.

“But there was back and forth. The prison guards are really the only ones who are in constant and assigned roles. I think they mostly like having that consistent role, but they also get burned out, and that can be how corruption blossoms. So nothing is perfect, and I want to discuss ideas in-depth. However, we are splitting up the Guardians.

“It’s police, military, and royal security like the Secret Service. I’m over any random Guardian being on guard duty in my home and knowing too much. We all gossip way too much, and it’s honestly too intrusive and over the line.” They seemed to think I was being a bit much and I snorted. “How many of you know what I like best at Taco Bell? Be honest?”

Onas was the first to put up his hand. “Be honest or we will make you with magic.”

Every commander and captain put up his hand along with at least a dozen nobles. Fine, my dad and my five mates, but they should know that.

I knew that about them.

“Yeah, I don’t know all of your names and you know that about me? I don’t give a shit that I’m the future queen. That’s just weird and more importantly dangerous.”

“It is,” Neldor agreed when a few people scoffed. “Because if they know it’s an order for our meetings, they know which items to target. I absolutely agree there is way too much information about you out there. It’s disturbing as one of your mates even if we aren’t together. I’ve heard many of the enlisted Guardians talk about your preference for cheeky panties.”

“Gross,” I growled.

When people started arguing or making comments that it wasn’t how things were done, I shot out my magic to basically cuff them all upside the head.

“This is happening,” I said firmly. “I will be queen. That makes me the boss in a monarchy. If you still find that confusing, educate yourself so you stop looking stupid or corrupt in front of me. I’m open to suggestions and tweaking things, but this wasn’t a meeting to ask for permission. I don’t ask for fucking permission.”

Most stared at me in stunned silence.

“You wanted me to make it official and act like the future queen, well, now I have. I’ve declared it and some of you have acted like you’re going to be my new board of directors like the ancients were to the previous queens. Hey, that wasn’t the way things were supposed to be. That was corruption and bullshit. I ended it. We’re not restarting it.

“Not now, not ever. Okay?” I glanced around and made it clear that I wasn’t kidding. “I’ve had captains come into situations and declare I needed to stop what I’m doing and try to physically stop me. And it was ignored after.” I gave Dalyor a pissed look in front of everyone. “That shit ends. Now. People get demoted and more going forward.

“Nobles don’t make the decisions for me and are never involved in my medical anything. I get some of you were doing it out of genuine concern; I truly do. It wasn’t your place. The people close to me know what’s what. So enough. You wanted me to step up and declare I will be the queen? Well, you fucking got me, so get your shit together and back in your places before it’s too late.”

I pulled up the next slide that added to the first.