The man with my eyes stepped out of a portal where Edelman was and I teleported the warlock to me without even thinking about it, knowing he was no match.
“Protect my downed people from the other snakes,” I told him and the other faculty I was sitting by. I stood and went down the stairs as I tapped into the barrier and opened a door into it.
While opening portals to my dogs.
All of them.
“How cute of you to use my shtick on me and come do this for a livestream,” I greeted. I waited until he found me in the stands and teleported my sword to me so he knew he wasn’t as in control as he thought. “Let your wings out. I have a pound to flesh to get for a start.”
“People get a lot wrong about you, but you are an overconfident loudmouth as they say,” he replied.
“Meaning you’re old enough to be sexist and think any confidence or self-esteem in a woman is overconfident,” I drawled. “And I’m not getting a lecture from the chickenshit who literally attacked me in the back the first time. Or now after I was waking fairies, you’re just—”
“Enough with acting like you don’t know who I am or this is all a mystery,” he drawled. “Fairies deserve better than another royal who lies to them and—”
“Dude, I have no fucking clue who you are and neither did my mom,” I cut in before teleporting onto the field with him. “Her best guess was—”
“She knew full well!” he bellowed.
I stared at him a moment. “I have no reason to lie. Yeah, great, we’re related. She didn’t know about you. She just sensed someone she was related to. She figured you’re a bastard that didn’t want to—” I flinched when he burst out laughing.
And it wasn’t the sane kind.
“Your mother was a moron or—”
“Hold up on the Bond villain rant,” I interjected as my dogs arrived. I didn’t even glance at Chief. “Take charge and protect the downed fairies.” I glanced out at the area. “Touch any fairy while they are incapacitated and my dogs will burn you to ash. Do not test me.”
The dogs gave howls and spread out.
The fairy gave me a look like I was fucking nuts.
I simply shrugged. “I’m the shield to Faerie. I take that seriously. You knocked out my people and left them vulnerable. That takes priority.” I smirked, making it clear that I wasn’t worried about him. I twirled my sword around more like I was bored than anything. “Okay, go ahead. Mom was—well, she wasn’t a moron. Too kind at times like with you but not a moron.”
“I don’t believe you that she didn’t know about me. It was why her magic was here,” he snapped.
I gasped and moved my free hand to my chest. “Oh no, the bad guy doesn’t believe me. Whatever will I do?” I rolled my eyes. “Are we getting on to the fighting or—what’s the plan here, man? I suggest you do it fast before the demigod shows up. And like I’ve told others, he’s better than The Hulk.”
I swore I heard Lucca swearing from the stands at my poking the psycho since he’d come to attend this with me.
He adjusted his neck at my dismissive attitude. “I’m here to announce to the world that you’re not the rightful heir to the Vale family. I am. You should be queen of nothing.”
I blinked at him like I was waiting for more and gave a dramatic sigh. “Well, clearly, you’re caught up on our laws and as dumb as other sexist supes who—”
“Don’t compare me to them,” he blasted, gathering his magic.
I smirked at him and put a barrier over him that started draining his power. Fine, he did that trick and got out of it, but I still could, and he couldn’t do the same so… Yeah, it wasn’t much of a threat, but it at least showed I could fuck with him.
“Dude, start talking, or we get to the—” I pushed.
“Your grandmother did not miscarry her first pregnancy. I am the child from that.” This time he smirked at me. “So I’m not a bastard like you’re clearly assuming. I’m your mother’s older brother.”
I couldn’t get my mouth to work for a full minute which thoroughly amused him. “Okay, assuming that’s even really true—which we’re going to for the moment—did she just sneak you out the back? I mean… Like what the fuck kind of crazy is in our family? Her and you, dude.”
He blinked at me, maybe shocked I would so publicly bash a past Queen of the Light Realm, but like… I stood by my what the fuck for this.
“She did just that,” he told me. “She banished her baby to Earth and put a list of enchantments on me.”
“You can’t open the portals to Faerie,” I chuckled darkly. “A queen or heir can mess with them. She did it to ban you from Faerie.”