“‘We need a reason Neldor is out of the spotlight for the next two weeks since his wings are out. He has public meetings for the company. Get in front of that shit and don’t have it be stupid. I can blame school for mine.’” Stefanie read and nodded in agreement.
While people focused on that, Lageos handed me a note.
“There is no way your mother did not warn you about that ring if it was important like that, Tamsin. You have to finally read that journal. I’m sorry to push but enough and read it.”
Oh boy, he needed to stop having so much faith in Mom and that she was perfect.
I swallowed a sigh and reached over to write something back while people were distracted. “I did read it fully, Dad. Nothing was in there about the ring. It was mostly about the visions and warning about powers and protecting you! There wasn’t even anything in there about the magic I found at Artemis. Mom messed up. I’m sorry, but she did.”
He frowned as he read over my shoulder and hurried to reply. “Then we’re missing something. Your mother wouldn’t have gone through all that trouble just to not warn you. There’s more to that journal then.” He hurried to crumple up the note when he was sure that I’d read it.
Great, more secrets and issues.
Of course there were.
In the most shocking turn of events ever, fairies didn’t give a single shit about what happened.
No, really. They were like, yeah, great, the princess did something crazy.
So what else was new?
Oh, she had some power jumps?
Again… So what else was new?
The supe news was freaking out about the magical explosion and earthquake I’d caused, and I died laughing when a noble who didn’t like me was hounded by reporters and gave them a bored look. Then he reminded them that it wasn’t the first time I’d done it. That I’d done the same to Faerie to revive it and brought back the sun.
So why were supes behind and freaking out like children?
I died. For real, I died and was glad he was such a condescending ass to someone else finally. Or maybe he always was, but it was nice to see it focused on someone else finally.
But fairies basically shut down supes hard and kept listing everything else I’d done that was so far beyond a “provincial” earthquake. They actually accused the media of trying to smear me with drama and push my amazing deeds out of the news like taking down the Underground that they left several reporters gobsmacked in the end.
It was amazing, and it wasn’t even a setup or them trying to help me. They didn’t give a single shit that I’d made an earthquake or try to learn why.
Which gave Neldor and me cover. They didn’t ask why our wings were out since it was so normal for young fairies especially royals for years after their wings came in. Apparently, that whole within the first year thing was bullshit and just had been to push me as hard as possible and kept fairies from becoming lazy or complacent because it was important for their growth.
Yeah, that was great, but they had scared me too many times too.
But fairies were focused still on how many of their family, friends, and loved ones I had woken before the first meat auction. I had jumped into my womb regrowing and hadn’t really paid attention to much else. Validly, but now I was practically smacked with the number left and right.
And a hundred and three thousand was a big number to be smacked with.
Yeah, a huge number. I had practically fallen over when I’d first heard it. Wow.
So yeah, fairies were focused on that and that I could have children and that I wouldn’t be the last heir or queen. That the gods were giving me visions and guidance. That I kept creating new magic and brought peace to a world that never thought to have peace in the very long lives of those who only knew war.
They really didn’t care about a damn earthquake.
Or our wings being out.
Not. One. Bit.
So we were totally off the hook. It was damn amazing for once living constantly with too many issues. I took the win and was doing what I should, training harder and harder, pushing myself to the max and behaving as I should. Faerie was deeper into that bubble to me, and it was fantastic. It was like a deep wall was between us, and I wasn’t as scared of the planet.