“I get it,” I cut in before he worked himself into a panic. “You couldn’t have known when my healer and demigod father didn’t, Nel. I didn’t. I’m five years early and it’s not like exactly on someone’s birthday. It’s thirty-ish.”
“The timing is just odd.”
I snorted. “Even more so since I was going to tell you that night that I agreed with what you said and wanted the same.”
He kept staring out the window for a moment but then threw back his head and burst out laughing. “Yes, well, we—wow.”
“Yeah, wow.”
Glad we were super clear on all of this and could laugh about it—even discuss such a difficult topic like adults. For all of our faults—and we had a lot of them—Neldor and I had been there for each other when it really mattered. When we’d gotten in our wings and a lot of difficult moments for sure.
And apparently again for all of this.
Izzy found me after classes and handed me her tablet. It was weird for me to miss classes for my period, but I was rolling with it. I knew people would have questions, but they could stuff it, and all of my classes were fairy ones really anyways.
I frowned at her as I took it and hit play, frowning deeper when Neldor filled the screen.
“Let me be clear that people are under a misconception that this changes anything for them or Faerie,” he said firmly. “I can understand it to a point because it was one that I was under as well. I used to believe that the realms could be joined by our mating. I have evolved from that thinking, and it is well past time that others do too.
“Princess Tamsin has said many times how foolish the idea is, and people don’t want to hear it because no one likes to be told they’re foolish or think they’re wrong. However, she is correct. One mating, one alliance isn’t strong enough to hold a world together. It’s too much pressure on one damn mating, on two people who already have enough pressure on them.
“It’s why she will be the most beloved and strongest queen that Faerie will have in many, many years. She sees things from the outside and the lives of those who live in Faerie. The average fairy or hobgoblin doesn’t have time to think of the politics of the royals.
“The average widower cannot rely on the mating of one couple to keep peace between the realms so her children are safe. That brings stress and worry into her life. Fear.” He paused to give people a moment with that. “But you know what doesn’t? Knowing more fairies from the other realm. Building alliances of her own as Princess Tamsin has allowed.
“Some have gone into business together. They work together and build foundations. Not one couple. Not one pair. Many.” He let out a slow breath. “I thought our mating was the answer once too. But Princess Tamsin was right that it was shortsighted and lazy of us, and we are better than that. We are stronger than that.
“And if we want lasting peace, we need to work for it to deserve it. That is the answer. We need to deserve this peace, this miracle she has handed us and given us a path to. And I believe we can just as she does. I have seen it over these many months. I have seen the friendships built. I have seen how the commanders kill themselves so it happens and no more of us die in wars.
“So know that I am committed to the same path as Princess Tamsin and her ability to conceive children changes nothing. She wanted her people to be updated because there were genuine concerns for her well-being after she had human vaccines in her body for years. Now we know that they did not hurt her in any way and her healer and father have confirmed that.
“When she is ready, years and years from now, Princess Tamsin will be able to conceive a child. Her stance has not changed on the topic. She will not even consider having an heir until Faerie is at peace and stable for at least ten years. I agree.” Again, he paused, letting out a slow breath. “As her right hand, I agree.
“Things are still too volatile. There was just an attempt on her life by a hobgoblin. I would never have thought that possible. Never. I would never have thought… Many things I would never have thought if you had asked me.” Tears formed in his eyes and he wiped them. “I would have sworn to my soul once that my mother would never have hurt her people.
“And I would have said the same that a hobgoblin would never have hurt a fairy, especially an heir. I would have said an ancient would only help our planet. So much we were wrong about. So much we all got wrong.” He wiped his eyes again. “But I am more than her second. I am her mate even if we are not together. I beg her not to have a child until it is safe.
“I beg everyone to understand and accept that and not push her. She would be vulnerable and in danger. It would put her at risk. We need to be smarter, and we need her.” He cleared his throat. “Many believe that there will be no Faerie without an heir or queen, that the royal bloodlines and conduits are the reason Faerie lives.
“Then you are the ones responsible for working for peace just as I am. All of us are. All of us are responsible for the fate of our world, not Princess Tamsin. Not one mating. We must work for our future. Not a child. No child should have that responsibility thrust upon them no matter their bloodline. It’s insanity.
“I refuse to think it the will of the gods. More than that, the princess has received her first vision from the gods.” He snickered and wiped his eyes. “Her face telling me what happened, and her disbelief was—she does not—she was not raised with this, but I believe. Her father believes and assures her that Queen Meira experienced the same.
“So I feel no issue sharing what she experienced. The princess would not want to because she would feel it would make her self-important. We know she is important and her place in our world. We know her position and role in our religion and temples. She wasn’t—she needs more time to accept it. We should all be grateful that she still shared what happened as she adjusts.
“I am. I’m profoundly grateful that she trusted me to tell me what happened and allowed me to share it with all of Faerie even as she has trouble comprehending that the gods shared wisdom with her.” He went on to tell them what happened minus the diamonds. “So understand that the gods clearly accept the future Princess Tamsin sees for Faerie and are ready to guide her in the future.
“This is amazing. I am thrilled and plan to pray at our temples in thanks. I hope others will as well. I pray they will continue to bless our future queen and keep giving her their wisdom and morality so this new path of peace is lasting for many generations to come. I am glad the gods spoke to her. I cannot even—the suggestion was minor.
“I understand what the gods told her, but the project idea wasn’t misguided either. It was of good intent from the dragons, our allies. They truly wanted to help, and I believe even bring something wonderous to humans. They saw it as killing two birds with one stone. The framing wasn’t meant to be deceitful, but beautiful, so I understood the proposal.
“I’m glad the gods made their position clear and guided our future queen. It is a slippery slope, and we don’t want to trick humans. We do want to help them. They are children of the gods as well even if they pray to other deities. And the gods are right that they have done massive damage to Earth to get to this point of solar panels and wind turbines.
“Which we are now benefiting from to bring vast and wonderous change to Faerie. We have to appreciate that and reciprocate, never take advantage of. I praise the gods for making that clear to us. Our wise princess has said many times that there is always another way if we take the time and think about things as we should.
“The gods reminded us of that and that she is the leader we need. We should never rush and always look at things from many sides. I hope fairies learn from that and understand that as I have been humbled in learning as well. I hope we all take time to thank them that our future queen is in good health and can have children in the future and has been so blessed.
“That she is strong and endured this hardship. She suffered greatly as women who have come of age know, even more so given her vast power. Watching it as someone who cares for her was torture, but nothing compared to what she went through. I hope everyone takes a moment to thank the gods that she did endure and shared this with us.”