Page 42 of Knowing Trust

“Flush the system. That was how your mother used to say it,” Lageos drawled. “Make sure it was all working before it was important to work.”

I sighed. “Yeah, fine. I get it. Yeah, even smart for my magic to blend me even if I was locked down from those vaccines.” I let out a slow breath. “Am I doing like a heating pad or whatever? Like I don’t want to be a baby here, but I also don’t know what to do and not make this worse.”

“You can do whatever you feel would help, Your Highness,” she assured me. “This first one while your magic basically alters your womb will be the worst you have. After this, yes, you will have a painful period once or twice a year, but nothing this bad.” She winced.

“What?” I growled.

“The period your mother had after giving birth to you was as bad as this first one,” Lageos told me.

“Mother said the same,” Neldor offered as he handed me a pillow. “I used a rune to heat this up. Tell me if it’s too hot or not hot enough. I can adjust it.”

I took it from him and held it against my stomach, sighing in relief. “Fine, I don’t want to kick you in the nuts right now.”

“I’m so glad?” He stared at me like I’d lost my mind.

I probably had.

“That’s what women on Earth say goofing around sometimes when they’re dealing with period pain or pregnancy stuff,” Lucca told him quietly. “My aunt said it constantly to my uncle every time my cousin kicked while she was pregnant.”

“Yeah, it’s normally during pregnancy and giving birth, but the whole ‘realigning of my womb’ seems fitting especially since all of this will be to have his fucking kid.” I growled when the room went tense. “Oh, shut the fuck up. I’m in pain here. Don’t get all fucking weird and—”

“Do you want something cold for your head, my sweet mate?” Julian asked gently as he got in the bed with me. “How about those sundaes you like?”

“That sounds fucking perfect if my stomach calms the fuck down a bit,” I whined. “Do we have like Kaopectate for fairies? I want ice cream!”

And no, I didn’t get any better and was a complete pain in the ass the whole time.


The pain was honestly ridiculous. I’d been shot and it had hurt less.

No, I wasn’t fucking kidding.

And I was a monster. I absolutely was and told them to leave me the fuck alone so I didn’t lash out.

But did they listen?

Nooooo, they did not.

Idiots. Stupid, stupid men.

There were at least two of them there at all times helping me shower or soak in the tub or bringing me food or fluffing pillows or just… All of it. I was miserable for four days. It was either stabbing pain in my uterus, lower back, or fucking head.

Or all three.

And then I kept puking which made it all so much worse. I barely kept anything down even with the shots Calarel kept giving me. Seriously, it was bad and I was completely defenseless.

The worst of it seemed to pass and then I just cried for a day which did not help my head. I finally could eat, and I stuffed my face crying while shoving the guys away and then pulling them back to cuddle.

No, I had no fucking clue what was going on or which way was up. I could be a bit sensitive during my period normally and pouty, but this was… Fuck, I was a mess. I made Calarel swear to me it wouldn’t always be like this or I would seriously just quit and find runes to have a hysterectomy.

No one found me funny.

I wasn’t fucking kidding. I couldn’t take being a nut fuck like that several times a year.

Then my stomach was a mess from not eating and then eating and… At least runes could help with that better than Kaopectate.

At least we got everything squared away medically and designated the right people so there was never another cluster fuck. I also told the guys they could quietly tell their families before we announced it to Faerie, and it trickled out from there.