“That’s understandable,” Neldor muttered. “Knowing you, you’ve already found someplace with massive freezers we can purchase and simply add the machines and lines to package.”
Juan’s eyes flashed shock. “I did. It’s massive and beyond what we need for this deal so we can ramp up otherwise for supe restaurants. The sorbet isn’t a fad, and desire for it won’t ever really falter. It’s the benefits of fae fruit and a treat that is of more benefit than the sugar and really isn’t bad for you. People are saying they feel better than ever adding it to their diet.”
Well, that was one of my better ideas for sure.
“Your Highness, I think more of this needs to be shared with the people of Faerie,” one of the nobles suggested. “I think your people need to know how much you are pouring into our world.”
I sighed as I shared a look with the commanders and Neldor. “They agree with you and have pushed for it repeatedly. I just…”
“Tamsin validly worries that it will be the next attack against her,” Neldor explained. “That she’s too focused on making money outside of Faerie or growing businesses instead of running the government. That this shows she isn’t loyal to Faerie or—”
“All of the money is going into Faerie though,” Lageos argued. “I agreed originally that people would twist it around, but now they have to see the progress. They have seen the buildings go up and the solar panels, Daughter. I think it’s time to give them the truth and trust them to help you more.”
“I agree, Your Highness,” that noble pushed. “I know they are giving time to harvest groves and it has become an after-dinner exercise and meditation time for some—a nice new tradition to appreciate our lives and giving back after what we’ve been through. Many have embraced it as the cost of peace even. I think this will be the push to show them it’s paying off.”
“I agree and think Juan should put together the presentation to show that he is handling it for you as part of your governmental funds,” Sasha said as everyone seemed to consider it. “We have quarterly meetings like this as a family for the investments and people who handle our business interests. We’re about to have one for Cherrywood.
“Treat Faerie as your family on this and show them that their faith in you was well placed. You sailed through the vote of confidence you promised them to have. No leader gets a ninety percent approval, but you did. Show them that you take that loyalty and faith seriously and what else you have for them to support you to make their futures better.”
I met her assured gaze and sighed. “It just sounds like I’m bragging and making it all about me.”
“You should, Tamsin,” she chuckled. “You did do all of this. From the first offer to help the co-op start and giving them the money from our contest. You did do all of this. Others have helped. Juan has done a fantastic job picking up the reins and growing this, but you should take the victory lap on this. Your people should cheer for you on this.”
That was the general consensus, so I relented.
“I have a suggestion that I would like to propose, Your Highness, Your Grace,” a soft-spoken female noble who had never said much in my presence blurted when there was a lull.
“Go ahead,” I said when the commanders seemed ready to remind her that the presentation wasn’t done. She had yet to speak ever at any meeting and seemed ready to cry.
I was going to give the woman a chance if she was brave enough to speak up.
Her eyes were full of relief and she gave me a firm nod. “After the success of the auction, I think—expanding could work.” She got flustered but then let out a slow breath. “At the sanctuary lands you bought—you have discussed putting portals to Faerie there. I heard Professor Sontar speaking with your royal healer that they want you to do so while your father is still alive.”
That was news to me and I couldn’t hide my shock, glad when she gave me an apologetic look. I nodded for her to go ahead.
“I think a weekly farmer’s market at one of those locations, Your Highness,” she said a bit too loudly. “People could donate time to harvest the extra you overgrow and more from the groves, and all of the sales go towards each city for their needs specifically. Rotate weeks or two for a week—some sort of schedule.”
“That is an excellent idea, but the problem is…” I glanced at Katrina.
“I’m fine with it, Your Highness,” she accepted, nodding when I couldn’t hide my shock. We sold gobs of produce through her store. “You sell cases of marbles or fruit through me to wealthy people who pay for that convenience and for it to be delivered to their kitchens. This is for every family to come out to and buy a few marbles and spend time with fairies. I love it.”
I thanked her and turned back to the noble who had proposed it. “Good, then I expect you to lead this project and flesh it out.” I nodded when she went pale. “I appreciate the suggestion, and everyone needs to start getting more involved. I cannot keep doing everything.”
“I agree, Your Highness, but I have no idea how to handle such a matter, and with the importance of it—”
“I didn’t know either,” I told her gently. “I didn’t say you had to do it all. You will have ample help, and you can ask anyone for information or suggestions. Start simple with which would be the best location and go from there.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” she whispered, looking a bit shell-shocked.
Such was life. She was probably at least triple my age.
It was time for more fairies to start living their lives.
We listened to the rest of Juan’s presentation and people were impressed which always made me feel better about the state of things.
“If I may, Your Highness?” Fergus Courtenay interjected when it was done. He smiled at me when I nodded. “My mate and I foresaw the need for your expansion and asked the noble families under us for ideas that we might partner up with fairies on. I know there are plans to expand your other businesses with dragons, but I hope you will also consider these proposals.
“I reviewed them personally before we are submitting them. I see no issues with security or anything that could be problematic in a way that could expose our world. There was one proposal of starting a jewelry line with something from Faerie that was common as it would be a miracle here.”