Page 34 of Knowing Trust

So it wasn’t so much that I purchased the property, but that it was turned over in damages to Faerie’s government. I think legally I did pay some amount for it to keep it separate and in control of the income, but it probably wasn’t the full value since part of the crimes the family had committed had been against me.

I just nodded when Geiger and Juan told me all of it.

No one was shocked with all I had to keep track of.

So for now, we were bringing all the animals through that portal to be processed and then the meat tomorrow morning to one of the Diazes’ vacation properties where the auction was to be held. They had the right protection in place, and it was actually land that was used for hunts and events.

They were being compensated well for allowing it and the help.

Plus, they owed me a lot for all I’d done too.

I was glad that they remembered that.

I grabbed a copy of the list and read it over before looking at Lageos. “Okay, take me to all of these animals to scan. I want to play with this and let my magic find the way it wants to handle this.” I glanced at Taeral. “How many animals total or what is the max we’re thinking of doing?”

“We’re not really worried about that, Your Highness,” he told me. “Even if it’s not all for the auction tomorrow, the rest stops need food and others in Faerie will buy it. We have an abundance of animals now. There are no longer any shortages. Some still need to mature, but they do at a rapid rate because of the magic and your supplements make them stronger.”

“Okay, then let’s get a mark of the locations I bring us to, and that can be where Neldor works on his magic and overgrows locations. I want everything thriving and explosive to the point we have to cull given the importance of this.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” he agreed.

Good, I was glad they all seemed to feel that was the smart move.

Lageos took me all around and we went through the list… Even when it meant going in the water. The dry look I gave him when he teleported us to a lake amused him.

Fine, two could play that fun.

Once it was all done, I put in my earbuds and played Billie Eilish’s “bad guy” before focusing my magic to the largest amount of the first animal on the list. It was a type of bird that was comparable to a hawk on Earth but eaten and really fucking good.

I was cloaked, standing in a massive flock and letting my magic scan how many were there in the trees as I wiggled my butt to the music. Then I let out electricity to kill about twenty but was careful to not cook them. I just wanted instant death so they didn’t hurt or die painfully. I winced when they started plopping down from the trees but… Well, it was still better, right?

I did another hundred, twenty at a time, and ignored when my dad burst out laughing and opened a portal to Taeral.

“Can you confirm I didn’t ruin the meat or anything else we’d use?” I asked him, smacking Lageos in the chest when he kept laughing. “I was thinking of quick deaths instead of arrows to the head or chest or whatever, but zapping them could cook the meat, right?”

Taeral opened his mouth to answer but rolled his eyes when Lageos kept laughing. “The idea has promise, but I won’t know until we bring them to the butcher and confirm. I would suggest you go fishing for a bit if you’re going to get more involved and play with your power. I will get you answers.”

Fair enough.

I put my earbud back in and teleported my dad far out in the ocean while I kept myself at the shore near a huge school of the fish we needed. He shot me an amused look that seemed to accept that he deserved it when he rejoined me.

“Brat,” he grumbled without malice.

Yeah, but clearly I’d inherited that from him.

I focused on my magic and the fish, picturing a barrier that was more like a net and wouldn’t enclose the water with them. Then I held my hands out and sort of used them to focus my power and wrap it around the large school of fish.

Or as best as I could.

I was amazed at the amount I had locked in my magic as I moved the barrier along. It was so amazing sometimes how weird magic could be and the visuals or logistics played out. This was hard to do for me because everything inside was moving while I was moving the barrier.

But I could easily throw up barriers over huge areas while people attacked them like I had over the summer. And people moved all around in them and I’d drained them of their power.

Still, doing anything new or for the first time in a new way was always tiring.

“It’s also how much power you used earlier,” Lageos reminded me, probably knowing exactly where my mind was.

Yeah, fair enough.