Page 65 of Knowing Trust

“But that was just the first step. Right now, it’s just stuff from me or Neldor or the commanders. It’s needed announcements and information as we are still in crisis mode. However, I don’t want it to be government—I’m not allowing state government crap in Faerie.

“I know there was free press, but it’s not fair if I bring in technology for the government and then they go back to pamphlets and print newspapers which weren’t even like humans had. But how to do it? Everyone would want me to pick a friend, but that’s no better than state media. It’s really not.

“But I can’t allow some asshole to just have access to what I put in and risk more of you guys.” I gestured to the five of them. “That could end up with another war and more of my people dead. So against the advice of my attorney and in a move that will undoubtedly have me lectured for hours and hours—I decided to speak with one of the heads of the anti-monarchy movements.

“She was polite enough to personally thank me after I woke her up. She has been clear about her position, but I’ve never heard her tell a lie. Hell, I actually heard her apologize and correct herself after she said something wrong about Neldor. So we won’t be friends and we don’t like each other, but we both have integrity. We just see the world differently.

“Which led us to a very frank discussion months ago. I told her what I wanted for Faerie. I wanted a media corporation that had honest news programming but could make money with other programs on supe channels even. But I wanted some sort of failsafe so it never fell into the traps of greed that humans find themselves in.

“No donations save the first one to get everything started. No nobles or even royals influencing anything. There would be liability laws and a chance for people to prove if something is reported wrong. No burying stories—basically it could make money as long as it stood on the principles fairies fight for. And there was a cap on the money type of thing.

“So we outlined a sort of morality agreement and compensation plan that adjusts with the cost of living and blah, blah, blah. No bonuses for promoting products like you lot get. No luxury trips for getting sponsors and becoming fat cats. No being bought off for reporting corruption was all a myth. And I—and my government—cannot ever interfere.

“She and her people can bash me all they want even over the lines of what is normally acceptable in Faerie and it will be okay. The hobgoblins… Can do what they want.” I shrugged when Leigh sighed. “I can’t tell them not to be pissed at you because that’s just as bad as telling them to be pissed at you. Staying out of it is staying out of it, Leigh.”

“Yes, yes it is, Your Highness.” She rubbed her hand over her face. “Fine, there might need to be some sort of agreement with Irma or the ones who are more than in your government or—she is biased and adores you and too many take cues from her and—”

“This is why too many supes think hobgoblins aren’t mentally sound,” I said coldly. “Just because Irma is my close friend doesn’t mean hobgoblins can’t make their own decisions if she sides with me. Believe me, that woman yells at me when I mess up before anyone else. She just does it privately. Always privately. But she calls me out before anyone else.

“And hobgoblins have their own minds more so than fairies sometimes. They can more than figure out where they stand. They are not pack minds like fae dogs just because they’re fair folk. I know you disagree with having them in charge and—”

“I’ve actually changed my mind on that,” Leigh muttered, nodding when I couldn’t hide my shock. “You’re right that my opinion of hobgoblins wasn’t accurate. I didn’t grow up around many, and from what I saw they did act more of a hive mind—I was wrong. I can admit that. I understand your position, and I think the program is working… It has potential.”

“This is why I agreed to start this with you. I had hope you would always be fair,” I praised before turning back to the five “news” people. I gestured to Leigh. “That is an example of journalism. She took new facts and adjusted her view to try her best to keep unbiased. She tries to keep the lens she sees things through uncolored.”

“We are an opinion show that—” that first guy defended.

“Your show is listed as a news show with five journalists to give commentary on events and what is happening in our world. That is supposed to be informed and educated insight to help the average person digest some of the complex issues like council laws and interspecies politics,” I snapped. “You spew bullshit and lie through your damn teeth.

“And for the first show on this new Faerie network, there will be an expo proving it. I will be doing it because I can. You illegally came into Faerie and trespassed on my family property knowing it was a crime. And I have diplomatic immunity. So you’re mine.”

“This is retribution for embarrassing Commander Morgan,” the second man bitched.

“He didn’t embarrass himself.” I snorted when they argued. “He held out longer than any of the commanders. Longer than I could. You were rabid animals frothing and beating him with stupid. He handled himself admirably. No, this is because you pissed me off upsetting one of my people.”

“That makes no sense!” the idiot woman whined.

“That man is the most loyal fairy I think I have ever met,” I told her as I stood. “He didn’t even like me. He was embarrassed that I would be queen, but he respected my mother and hated himself for failing to keep her alive, so he kept his mouth shut about my failings out of loyalty to her. And was loyal to me. Always.

“Constantly. Unfailingly as best as he knew how. Changing and adapting as best as he could even as a stick-in-the-mud noble and old man. Seriously, I’m not sure anyone really tries as hard as Commander Morgan.” I tapped my head. “I’ve heard it all from the start. He’s so loyal to all of Faerie he would give his soul to save one dying child.

“He truly would. He is that good and believes that much in people. He thought you were all misguided and just needed to have a sit-down and hear face-to-face that fairies really did want me and I’d won them over. He didn’t know you were all bought and paid for. It was like you told him there’s no Santa and beat up the Easter Bunny to his face.

“You broke him a bit and that pisses me off. So you didn’t embarrass him.” I leaned down in her face. “But I’m going to humiliate you because I can. Because I know that you’re horrible people and I have an evil streak, so I’ll enjoy it. More than that, it will do some good for the supe world, so it’s like cleansing.”

“And this is how we’re going to launch the new network I’m the CEO of on the supe dark web,” Leigh told them. “We have it all set up and ready to go. The princess invested millions of dollars to get it all up and running with her human friend. After her involvement in this, she’s out. It’s mine and I’ll be hiring and getting the shows all running. It’s done.”

Yes, yes it was.

I smirked at the five people. “Let’s get started.”


I didn’t just humiliate them I… What came after humiliate? Mortify? I honestly wasn’t sure, but I did that.

I obliterated their lives with what I made them confess, that was for damn sure.

I started “easy,” making the four confess they hated the super stupid woman. That they all laughed at her behind her back and she was only on the show because she was pretty and wore revealing clothes. Also, they were all shocked she wasn’t fucking someone running the show.