“Yeah, you got me too,” he chuckled. “Nicely done, Daughter.”
“No, Dad!” I hissed. “Not nicely done. No hitting accidentally with a thought!” I slapped my free hand on the wall several times so people focused on me. “So fucking focus people. Clearly, we have some right now issues, and we don’t have time to worry about an ancient ring, okay?”
I teleported it back to the hiding place just to be safe. Fuck.
“And you need to eat,” Neldor muttered.
“I told her security to go get her food from Irma given the power jump as that would be best for her,” Lageos told him.
“Good,” he muttered, opening a portal though. Some others normally on his detail, including Agis and Kerym, stepped right through as he pulled out his wallet. “I apologize for bothering you, but the princess and I had power jumps and need food. Whatever is fast and Calarel thinks best.”
“Protein,” the healer declared after studying me. “High calorie, but protein heavy. I don’t care if it’s greasy crap, but protein and high calorie.”
“Got it,” Kerym said before looking at me. “Any preferences, Your Highness?”
I went to shake my head, but my stomach growled obnoxiously. “Burgers.”
“Yesssss,” Neldor hissed. “Fuck, yes, beef. Shake Shack?”
“Fuck, yes. Oh, Culvers too.”
“Done. Shit and then steaks. Please, from that place Julian got—”
I reached out and grabbed him. “Julian! Someone has to check on him. We did something magical and he’s tied to me.”
“I will check on him,” Lageos promised. “You eat. Stay here protected with your wings out.”
“Fine, get him here. All of them,” I grumbled.
“Darby will be brought here after classes,” Stefanie told me as everyone broke off to their tasks while Neldor raided the fridge and tossed me something to start off with. “You both talk to Calarel in a barrier, please. I think it best while Lageos is gone.”
Good point. We did while snacking on breakfast bars. She was sympathetic when we explained our false start but said that was nothing but normal nerves of being together our first time and the extreme stress we were both under.
“And I think you both learned not to force things,” she said gently. “Listen to your partner and everything you already know. Princess, don’t force yourself just because Prince Neldor sets something up. He is too kind and wouldn’t want that. You know this.”
“I don’t, Tams,” he whispered, sounding heartbroken.
“I know, but… No one likes to be turned down,” I mumbled, giving a shrug. “I couldn’t the first time.”
“No, you should. I hope you do in the future.” He cleared his throat and focused on Calarel since everyone was watching us even if we were in the barrier. “So nothing else to worry about? Eat and you will scan us?”
“For now. We need to know how many levels of power you jumped and how to handle the situation. Situations even,” she confirmed, nodding behind us.
I glanced over and groaned as I saw it was food. I kissed her cheek and took down the barrier, practically ripping the bags away from Kerym with a half-assed “thanks.” I fucking inhaled the first burger. “This is going to be bad.”
Neldor grunted.
“What happened?” Julian asked as he appeared with Lageos.
“We fucked and apparently that makes an earthquake,” I bitched with a full mouth which I’m sure nothing made sense from. I simply kept eating and turned on my telepathy… But immediately shut it back off when I accidentally started projecting what had happened.
Idiot. Right, my telepathy always went wonky when things went wrong.
Thankfully, Shael took pity on me and told him while I used my left hand to shovel in food and started writing. Neldor frowned and looked over my shoulder and then understanding filled his eyes and he grabbed a pen as well.
I shoved him away when he tried to write on my page and made him get his own. Idiot.
I finished first and handed it to Stefanie.