Page 46 of Racing Hearts

Lally and Tommy wait for him to leave before jumping on me. “He loves it! He’s never reacted like that before, you star!”

“Evan, you are going to be so fucking famous, rich, and get all that dick,” Tommy adds, making me laugh as I glance back at the computer, which is open on Alek’s image, because he’s the only dick I care about.

“We should celebrate!” Lally grins.

“Totally,” Tommy agrees.

“Uh, deadlines,” I remind them.

“Shit,” they both say at the same time. “Later.”

Grinning, I look back at the screen. It’s all because of Alek. “Damn, who is that? Your boyfriend?” I glance over my shoulder to see George leaning into my chair. He’s a year above me and majoring in photography too, so it’s no surprise he’s here.

I glance back at my screen, which shows Alek leaning into his car, and hesitate before forcing a smile. “No, just a friend who agreed to be my model.” It isn’t a lie. I don’t know what Alek and I are. We haven’t agreed on dating or anything, even if he feels like he’s mine. Besides, he isn’t ready for anyone to know.

“They are really good.” George claps my shoulder, and I nod in thanks, watching him wander off.

“Friend my ass,” Lally mutters, making my lips quirk.

She doesn’t know the half of it. Friends don’t kiss the way we do, that’s for sure.

Alek: Are you done?

I blink at the text. It’s early morning. We have been working all night and just called it a day with none of us being able to focus anymore. I’m heading back to get some sleep before my classes start.

Evan: Just finished. Packing up now, why?

Alek: I’m outside. I’ll give you a ride home. We both need to crash.

I blink stupidly but smile anyway and wish Lally and Tommy a good night before heading through the building. Alek is waiting outside, leaning into a rail and looking every inch a movie star. For a moment, I just stare.

“It’s rude to stare, rich boy,” he calls without looking.

Smirking, I head his way, and he takes my bag, slinging it over his shoulder, and falls in step at my side as we head to his car. He opens the door, carefully putting my bag in the back when I pat my pockets. “Shit, I left my card with Lally. One sec.”

“Hurry up, rich boy. I’m tired.”

I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek as I dash off. Luckily, Lally is still here, and I take it from her with a mumbled, “Thanks,” and head back out, only to stop on the sidewalk. George is talking to Alek.

“You’re Evan Shaw’s boyfriend?” he asks, and I stiffen.

Alek laughs quickly. “Nah, he’s my sister’s friend. I’m just here to give him a ride.”

My heart sinks at his declaration, and he glances at me as he straightens. I swallow down that feeling and force a smile. I knew he wouldn’t tell people, so why did it hurt so much to hear it out loud?

“There you are. Hurry up, I’m exhausted,” he snaps.

Nodding, I head his way, smiling at George. “See you in class, Evan.”

“Nice to meet you, man. Like I said, if you ever want to model again, let me know.”

I watch him go, a jealous feeling in my stomach which doesn’t disappear as I look at Alek, who doesn’t seem the least bit bothered about the fact that he just lied to someone about me.

He opens the door for me, and I slip inside, quietly putting on my belt and looking out the window.

I was so happy, but it all tastes bitter now.

Will I ever be more than his sister’s friend to anyone in public?