Page 56 of Racing Hearts

I slump into my seat at the restaurant Lally chose. It’s a fusion restaurant, new and hot, and I’m surprised we managed to get a table, but she always achieves it somehow. She brings us to the strangest places, and we have the best time. It’s one of her strengths.

“I’m starving,” Tommy complains as he leans back in his seat.

“Me too,” I add, sipping my water as I glance at them with a grin. It feels like it’s been forever since I got to hang out with them, but in actuality, it was just last week, and we see each other every day. I know it’s important to set aside a time for all of us to get together. They’ve been with me through everything and are amazing friends, so I keep my phone in my bag, no matter how many times I hear it vibrate, and instead I keep my attention on them.

“It will be worth it, I promise,” Lally says, since we let her order for us, trusting her taste. “But there are more important matters to deal with.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me. “Did I see Alek Anders dropping you off this morning, you slut?”

Tommy whoops, leaning over with his hand up. “Nice one, getting that closet dick, bro. He didn’t come home last night.”

“I am not high-fiving that,” I mutter, but I can’t help smiling even as I shake my head. “It isn’t like that.”

“Uh-huh, so what’s it like?” Lally asks, leaning in. Tommy looks at her and then mimics her movement. Both of them rest their chins on their fists as they watch me with matching grins.


“Evan.” I turn at the familiar voice, smiling when I see Autumn with some friends.

“Hi.” Getting up, I give her a quick hug. “You eating?”

“Just finished. It’s amazing.” She grins at Lally and Tommy, and they nod, confused. “Just thought I’d say hi. Have a good night, guys. See you later, Evan.”

I nod and wave as she leaves, and when I sit back down, Lally and Tommy both turn to me. “Who was that?”

“I’m allowed to have other friends,” I point out.

Lally gasps dramatically. “You are cheating on us?”

“The horror!” Tommy yells.

“Okay, okay.” I laugh, holding my hands up. “We met in a class, that’s all.” I know I can’t tell them about Silent Rose, so I lie, which I hate doing to my friends, but luckily, they accept it.

“Fine, we’ll let this slide . . . if you tell us about Alek,” Lally replies.

Groaning, I rub my head, but they just wait. Scooting closer, I drop my voice. “We are . . . seeing each other.”

They squeal, slapping their hands together as I watch before leaning in, uncaring about the eyes on us since they are so loud.

“How’s it going?”

“Tell us everything.”

They speak at the same time, and I can’t help but smile, their excitement for me contagious. I don’t know why I was so worried. I know they are my friends and will always be there for me, support and love me no matter who I date, but they are important to me, so their opinions matter. I realize I want them to like Alek and care about him because I do.

“It’s never been like this,” I admit softly. “I’ve dated?—”


I glare at Tommy, who laughs. “But it’s never been this . . . exciting. It’s like everything is new. Everything is a first for me. I’ve never felt so intensely for someone before. I can’t stand to be apart from him, and I’m obsessed with everything he does. I can’t stop thinking about him. I’ve never been this attracted to someone. Even kissing feels different. There’s just?—”

“Fireworks.” Lally nods. “You lucky bastard.”

“Right, fireworks. It’s amazing . . .” I trail off, and her eyes narrow. “He’s just shy about it being public. He isn’t ready, and that’s fine. I can wait, and I understand how hard this is, but it makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong, you know? I reached for his hand yesterday without realizing it and then instantly felt guilty when he panicked.”

Lally and Tommy share a frown as they lean back, and I hold my hands up. “He isn’t mean or anything. I was the one who was willing to wait for him to be ready. He didn’t want me to. I just, yeah, I don’t know. I guess I didn’t expect it to be so hard. I just want to shout about who I’m dating. He’s so amazing, but I guess it will just take time.”

I don’t like the looks they are giving me, but Lally finally sighs, sitting forward. “I’m glad you’re happy, Evan, and if you say he’s a good guy, we will believe you. I just hope he can accept your relationship and give you what you want, that’s all,” she offers. “We worry because we care.”

“I know,” I say as Tommy covers my hand.