Page 118 of Racing Hearts

For the next two hours, we go over everything in detail. I leave nothing out, neither does Alek, and when it’s over, Declan stands with us, but I hesitate.

“Has Tommy Mashou’s parents been notified?” I ask, looking at William.

His eyes soften. He’s a stern man, and it’s obvious why he’s in power, though I’m betting he’s feeling that weight now, but he is also kind and never pushed us nor blamed us for anything. If anything, he went out of his way to make us feel better. “They were. I called them myself this morning. They will be coming down today to see their son. He’s at the hospital if you wish to see him as well.”

I roll my lips inwards. “I said my goodbye,” I say. I don’t think I could bear to see him again. “But thank you. He is—he was a good man.”

“I know. I looked into him. I am sorry for your loss. I know you were close.” He stands and holds out his hand. “I’m here if you need anything, Evan, and please be assured she won’t be getting out for a very long time. You’re safe. You all are.”

“Thank you.” I follow Declan outside, where he nods at us.

“I will wait here. Your friend, a Miss La—” He stumbles over her name, his brows furrowed.

“Lally.” I grin.

“Yes, Lally.” Declan coughs. “And Skylar Warren and Silas Townsend—or I suppose you know my son as Bones—will be speaking and giving statements soon. I mean it, though, go rest.”

“Mr. Townsend,” I call when he turns to go back inside. “Thank you.”

He shrugs. “My son made a deal with me for my help. I don’t need your thanks.”

My eyebrows rise at his cold tone, and I wonder what Bones offered his father for him to waste his time with us. Probably nothing good, but I have enough of my own worries, so I let it go.

The story breaks that night, and Alice, Alek, and I sit and watch the news. Just as Bones and the others promised, it’s brief, mainly focusing on the great loss of everyone who perished last night. Our names are kept hidden, and for that, I’m grateful. I don’t need to be reminded of what we endured and what we lost.

Alice sleeps here for what will be the last time. It seems she is taking her newfound independence seriously, and I’m proud of her. I know Alek is worried, but it’s obvious he’s trying to let her go and give her what she wants. I know it won’t be easy for either of them, but it’s a healthy move.

All I can do is be here for both of them as we heal together, and as I watch Alek sleep soundly at my side, his hand clutched in mine, I know I’ll stay right here at his side, in his bed, and in his home.

I knew that Alek was my forever type of thing, but after what happened, it only made it that much clearer. He was willing to die for me, to kill for me, and he loves me. He will never let me go. I know if we can survive this, then we can survive anything that might arise in our lives.

Some might say we are too young, but I don’t care. When you find the one you love and want to spend the rest of your life with, you hold on tight and don’t let go.

I’ve spent my life ignoring others’ opinions, and I won’t start caring now.

Leaning down, I smooth the furrow between his brows and kiss his worries away. “I’m right here, princess. I’m not going anywhere,” I murmur. “Thank you for coming for me. Thank you for saving me.”

“Always,” he whispers sleepily as he guides me down into his arms. “I’ll always find you, pretty boy.”

“Thug,” I tease.

“Rich prick,” he retorts, and something clicks in my heart, letting me know we will be okay.

The grief for what we have lost will go on, but I hope it will get easier. If I can have him waiting for me every night, it will be worth suffering through it all, and I’m excited for dawn and what it will bring.


Ithink it’s too soon, but Evan insists it’s time.

The school reopened two days ago after shutting down for the investigation and damage, and Evan and Alice haven’t been back yet, but they insist on going today.

“Alek.” Evan sighs as I block the door to the car I borrowed from Sky, since mine needs to be fixed. “It’s time. I can’t hide at home forever, and as much as we would both enjoy it?—”

“Disgusting.” Alice coughs, making us both smile. She moved out the other day, but like she promised, she came back for breakfast and let me look after her, just a little.

“It’s time. This place doesn’t scare me, and I refuse to let him ruin the happy memories I’ve made here. I need to get back to normal.” He steps past me and takes my hand. “But how about you walk me to class?”

“Oh, walking the rich boy to class, I’ve never done that before. Fine.” Shutting the door, I grab his bag and throw it over my shoulder, ignoring his sigh and pointed look at my side where I was stabbed. Honestly, it twinges every now and then, but it’s a good kind of pain because it reminds me I’m still alive.