Page 112 of Racing Hearts

“Get out,” I order, pointing the gun at the driver’s side.

He gets out slowly, his own gun aimed at me. “You think you can shoot before me?” He grins. “Even if you do, I’ll hit you too, and we’ll both die tonight.”

“It’s a risk I’ll take,” I reply.

Alice steps in front of me, her arms spread wide. “If you shoot, you’ll shoot me.”

“Alice,” I hiss.

She glances back at me briefly. “He won’t do it, trust me.” She meets his eyes. “Drop the gun or shoot me. You pick.”

He snarls, his eyes hardening as he glares at Alice. “Move.”

“No.” She tilts her chin up defiantly, ignoring my urgings. “Shoot or drop it. Now!”

His chest heaves, his hand wavering on the gun, and it’s the opening we need. Sky leaps over the roof and lands on him while I grab Alice and turn us. A gun goes off, and I look back. No one appears to be hurt, and Sky pins him while Lally kicks the gun away before heading to me. I pass Alice to her and put my own gun away, then I walk over and crouch next to him as he struggles.

“She’s your weakness. You taught me that.” I drive my fist into his face. He groans, spitting blood, so I do it again and again. I let my rage consume me until arms tug me back—Bones.

“You wanted him alive, remember?” Skylar hisses, but he doesn’t stop me. In fact, he holds him down tighter.

“Let me go!” I roar, fighting to get to him.

“Kill him, I don’t care,” Sky says as Bones tugs me closer, “but what about Evan?”

He’s right. Evan’s name clears my bloodlust, and I stare at Ford’s unmoving body. Pushing their arms off, I walk away. “I’m fine,” I tell them as they watch me pace. “You’re right. Tie him up and gag him. We still need him.”

“Are you sure about this?” Sky mutters as he pulls out the tape and rope, throwing some to Bones.

“We need him,” I say. “He’s the only one who can stop her, who can get her attention. She let him free for a reason rather than just killing him. You don’t become obsessed with someone and then just discard them, not like that.”

Sky sighs as he starts to tie Ford’s ankles while Bones binds his wrists. “You’re good at that,” Bones comments with a frown.

“You have no idea. I’ll show you later if you’re good.” Sky winks.

Looking back at Alice, I see her and Lally together and nod. “This next part won’t be easy.”

“None of this has been,” Alice scoffs.

I smile widely. “You did well, little sister.”

“So did you.” She grins. “Now let’s go get Evan back. No one will ever put up with your shit like that guy does.”

Rude, but true.


Ikeep my eyes closed as long as I can, knowing something is wrong. My brain is foggy, and my body feels sluggish and off. I attempt to force myself to relax as I try to remember what happened, but everything is obscured by smoke. Every time I think I have an answer, it’s swallowed up by the darkness.

I’m breathing too loudly, and something is across my mouth. Slowly, my body starts to wake up, and I realize why it feels so wrong. My arms are bound behind me, and when I twist my wrist, something constricts them. Slowly, I test my legs and find each tied with something as well.

What the fuck is happening?

I know I need to look and find out, but fear fills me. Something inside me tells me not to, that I don’t want to know.

“I know you’re awake.” The female voice echoes slightly. “You can’t pretend. The drugs I gave you are short-lived, just enough to get you where I need you for now.”

The voice is familiar, and it sets off alarms in my head, but I can’t figure out why. I try to fight the fog when I hear footsteps treading closer, stopping before me, then warm breath wafts over my face. “Open your eyes,” she whispers seductively, but I ignore her, trying to push the drug out of my system faster.