Page 139 of Rebel

“Should I clear the groupies from the green room?” the crew member asks as he stops us near the door.

I freeze, covering my face with the cloth. “Groupies?”

He blushes, seeming ashamed. “We were told to let six or so VIP girls back there. Um . . . groupies.”

“What the fuck?” Chase tosses his hands up. “Yes, get rid of them and don’t ever let any of them come back there again.”

Trav ignores everyone and picks me up. “I can see you hurting, beautiful, so please just let me help.”

I nod, snuggling into his arms. It’s clear he’s worried and annoyed, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good to be carried.

I can see flashes as we cross the parking lot, but I bury my face into his neck, and he covers it. “Almost there. Hold onto me, baby. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.”

I believe him, but who threw the bottle?

“You’ll be fine. There’s no damage to your retina or eye, and we have sealed the cut. It will heal by itself, and I don’t think it will even scar. Your eye, however, will swell and turn black,” the doctor explains as he wheels his chair backwards.

We are at a private clinic. The wound was cleaned and checked for glass before I was X-rayed, scanned, and had blood taken. It all seemed over the top, but I don’t complain while my bandmates vibrate with fury and worry. They’ve scared nearly everyone from the building, and even the doctor isn’t immune to their glares.

“She needs pain relief,” Trav snaps.

“Of course.” The doctor nods. “And ice packs will help, but I’m afraid it will just take time.”

“What about creams or something? Money isn’t a fucking option,” Chase demands.

“Guys, stop, I’m fine.” I hold up my hand to stop them. “Please, I’m tired, and my face fucking hurts. Can we just go back to the hotel?”

That immediately gets their attention. “Of course. Sorry, Beck.” Kolton sighs. “Whatever you need.”

The doctor mouths, “Thank you,” at me, and I nod as he writes me a prescription, explaining to the guys what to expect. I ignore it since my head is throbbing so badly, I just want to climb into bed and sleep.

I know by now what happened will have been reported around the world. Hell, people probably even filmed it, so hopefully it means we’ll catch who did it—not to mention they probably saw Trav carrying me and the guys’ worry so rumors will start, but right now, I don’t even care.

When they come over, I lean into them, needing their strength and warmth. The adrenaline from the performance has worn off, leaving me in shock and pain, but I force myself to walk out of the clinic, and when we are back at the hotel, I change and climb into bed at the guys’ urgings.

They tuck me in with some water and the pain pills then slide in next to me.

“Sleep, Beck. We’ll find out who did this, and they’ll pay,” Chase murmurs softly, kissing my uninjured side. “Sleep, beautiful.”

“I’m not pretty right now,” I mutter, the pain meds kicking in.

Wow, they are some good meds.

Shit meds… Chase, but he doesn’t seem bothered by them.

“You are always beautiful, pretty girl, no matter what,” he promises as he kisses me again, this time under the bandage over my eye. “Sleep.”


Iwait until my girl is asleep, and then I leave her nestled between Trav and Kolton. I head to my room and send off a text. Rachel arrives within minutes, and I slam the door, pacing before her as she sits on the couch.

“How’s Beck?” she asks, worry in her tone.

“She didn’t lose her eye, but she will have a black eye for a while. She’s sleeping right now.” I turn to face her. “Did you find who did it?”

“Not yet.” She sighs, scrubbing her face. “We’re looking?—”

“Look fucking harder. There were thousands of phones and angles. Find who fucking did it!”