Page 69 of Recklessly in Love

“It’s cute that you think that’ll stop his reign of terror,” she comments lightly. “You don’t think he’ll use full ownership of prime real estate in your new hometown to lord every little decision he makes over you? To terrorize you into doing exactly what he wants?”

I let out a frustrated growl because she’s right. “Okay, fine, you may have a point.”

Sera laughs. “Sorry. I understand wanting to fix things on your own. But you can lean on me, Greg. That’s not weakness. That’s what family should be for.”

“Damn. I forgot what that’s like,” I say, breathing a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Sera. You’re brilliant and amazing, and I’m forever in your debt. Yes, let’s do it.”

She beams at me. “Excellent. I’ll start the paperwork. Full disclosure: I plan to clean up on that investment as Alpine Ridge grows, so don’t worry, I win, too.”

I shake my head and laugh. “I would hope so. It’s an amazing plan and one only you could pull off. If you’re sure, I’m in. Though I still don’t know how I’m going to deal with what my dad’s got on Joanie.”

Sera tips her head to the side as our burgers arrive. “Tell me about it.”

I take a huge bite of my bacon cheeseburger as I consider how to frame it. Then I remember who I’m talking to, and I just tell her about the firm’s fabricated evidence to stop Joanie’s discrimination lawsuit.

“Wow, they’ve got some seriously big balls,” she says, irritation lacing her tone, her nose wrinkled in disgust. “But I have an idea on that too.”

I huff a laugh and finish off my beer. “Well, aren’t you a jack of all trades?”

She shakes her head before popping a ketchup-laden fry into her mouth. “Oh no, my idea is to point you at someone who will have real ideas.” She swallows and takes a sip of water. “Remember I told you my husband owns a corporate security firm?”

My eyebrows pull together, but I nod. “Yeah, I remember.”

She looks at me with a glint in her eye. “Trust me. Bryce will know exactly what to do.” She whips out her phone and starts composing a text.

“Really?” I ask skeptically. “I thought his company protected other companies from spies and hackers, like he did for you.”

She nods as she sends the message, setting her phone down and looking back up at me. “He does that. But they handle threats of all kinds, too. I’ll put you in touch with his assistant so you can get the packet your dad gave you to him. He’ll let you know if he needs anything from there.”

I push out a breath. “I don’t know what I did to deserve all this help, but you have no idea how much I appreciate it,” I assure her.

Sera nods sagely. “Been there. And I wouldn’t be here to help you if I hadn’t had help, too. So just say thank you and take it, Tyler,” she teases.

I laugh unreservedly. “Thanks, Sera. You’re the best.”

She winks at me. “I know. Now, that was a good burger, but how do you feel about coconut cream pie?”

* * *

I spend the next couple of weeks waiting for Sera’s husband to do his thing. But thanks to Sera, I walk to the Dahlia Bakery daily for a coconut cream pie. Because damn, those things are good. She offers to take me on a chocolate walking tour that’s offered downtown, but I decline. It’s bad enough that I don’t have access to the community center gym right now. I have to be extra purposeful about cardio and strength training, and even then, I’m getting creative since I don’t have any equipment with me.

Joanie and I talked every night for the first few nights, but it started to get difficult to be so far from her and with nothing new to report, so we talked less frequently as the days passed.

The only day this week we’ve talked was Monday after Sera had me sign the ownership transfer paperwork. The relief I felt was real, and Joanie and I had some seriously hot phone sex that night. But right after, she asked me to come home. And I had to tell her I couldn’t. I could tell she was upset, but there wasn’t much to be done about it. So, I promised to call again when there was something to share. It’s been radio silence from us both since. Me, because I didn’t have anything to report. Her … well, she’s probably busy, but I also know it’s probably mostly because she’s upset. Hopefully less at me and more just at the situation, but it still leaves me on edge.

Finally, Bryce’s assistant calls asking me to come in the next day. I was starting to get antsy given that St. Patrick’s Day is two days away, and last I spoke to Joanie, they were full steam ahead on organizing an event as a cover to get signatures for the incorporation petition. I’ve used that to convince myself she’s been too busy to call. Either way, I miss her like crazy, and I was hoping I could be there.

So I’m glad to finally get moving again on solving this last sticky issue. I’m taken aback as I walk into Sera’s husband’s office. Bryce, with his height and muscles, reminds me so much of Nate, save Bryce’s hair, which is short and chestnut brown instead of tawny, and his eyes, which are blue, not hazel. But they both have that intimidating air. And suddenly, strangely, I miss Nate too.

Though to be fair, dressed in crisp khakis and a light blue button-front shirt, Bryce is much better dressed than Nate usually is. I fight a smirk at the thought and extend my hand.

“You must be Greg,” he greets me. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too, Bryce. Sera has told me a lot of good things about you,” I say.

“She’s my biggest fan,” he jokes. “And obviously, she’s told me things about you. Including the threats your father’s made against your girlfriend.”

I huff a sharp sigh and shake my head. “Yes, unfortunately. I’m sure she’s also told you it was part of his bid to regain complete control of the family property. Thankfully, your amazing wife was able to help me with that.”