I shrug nonchalantly. “Is that something you want? Marriage, I mean?”
Greg takes a moment to consider. “Honestly, I’ve never felt strongly about it one way or the other. I’m not against the idea, but it’s never been a driving force for me. I think I only discussed it with Hailey because I knew she wanted it, and my parents were all for it. What about you?”
I lean back on my elbows, looking out over the serene water. “I never thought I’d find someone I wanted to marry,” I admit. “I always figured I’d be the perpetual bachelorette, married to my career. That was the plan, anyway.”
Greg’s eyes meet mine, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. “And now?”
I bite my lip, feeling suddenly shy. “Now ... I can see myself being swayed toward it. If the timing was right.”
His smile widens, but he doesn’t press further. Instead, he asks, “Since we’re on heavier topics, what about having kids? Is that something you’ve ever considered?”
“I’m open to it,” I reply slowly. “But again, it’s not something I’ve yearned for. I guess I’ve always been a bit ambivalent about the whole motherhood thing.”
“I get that. It’s a big deal,” Greg says. “And it’s funny that even though I’ve never cared much about marriage, I’ve always known I want kids someday. “
I let his words roll around in my mind for a few minutes. “I don’t think deciding to have kids is something you should do to please someone else,” I finally say. “If I had them, it would be because I wanted them too. Would it be a deal breaker if I never felt that way?”
Greg licks his lips and leans back. “That’s a good question,” he replies, his eyes scanning the towering evergreens on the opposite side of the lake. “I honestly don’t know.” He pauses before meeting my eyes. “When you asked me that just now, all I could picture was a little girl with your face. Your sass. And how much she’d have me wrapped around her little finger.”
Oh fuck me, my uterus just did a little somersault. Who knew that was a thing? But picturing Greg as daddy to a little girl … holy shit, I’m so screwed. He’d be a fantastic father, of course.
Then, the idea of a little boy with Greg’s curls and bright blue eyes pops into my head. I nearly faint at the thought of contending with two beautiful men who take my breath away. Albeit in very different ways, of course.
“Fucking, hell, mountain man, don’t say things like that,” I reply in a husky voice I don’t recognize.
Greg grins mischievously in response. “Sorry?”
I fan myself. “You should be. It’s all I can do not to jump you so we can start making beautiful babies right now.”
Greg tips his head back and laughs. “So obviously, you could be convinced. Noted.” His tone is so smug and male. It should make me angry, but it makes me even more soaking wet.
Down, Bev. Down. Since we’re neck deep into the heavy stuff, as he said, I have one more for him before I get to tearing off his clothes.
“There’s something else we should probably talk about,” I venture, picking at the edge of the blanket. “I’m a city girl, Greg. And you love the mountains. How do we make that work long-term?”
Greg reaches over and takes my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. “I’ve thought about that,” he says. “And the way I see it, we have homes in both places. We can split our time and travel back and forth. Oh, and speaking of travel, I’ve always wished I had done more of that. I’d love to explore the world with you, Joanie.”
Jesus H. Roosevelt Fucking Christ. If he gets any more perfect, I might lose my mind.
“I love to travel,” I tell him, even though it’s something I’m pretty sure he already knows. “There are so many places I want to go. And so many places I’ve been that I’d love to show you.”
“I could deal with that. I think I play it a bit too safe most of the time. I could use a dose of patented Joanie recklessness to liven things up,” he says with a chuckle.
I raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh yeah?” I rise to my feet, taking off my jacket. “I think I can bring some of that to you right here, right now. Didn’t you say something about skinny dipping here?” I lift my sweater off and toss it at his feet.
“Are you serious?” Greg asks, laughing.
I unclasp my bra and throw it on top of my sweater. “Does that answer your question?” I tease, starting to shimmy out of my fleece-lined leggings, turning so he gets a view of my bare ass. “Come on, mountain man. Live a little.”
I look back to see him stripping and grin. “Let’s do this, baby,” he agrees, racing past me. Hot on his heels, I follow him in.
We both yelp as we plunge into the icy water, but the exhilaration is worth it. The cold makes me feel alive in a way I’ve never experienced before.
Greg ducks under the water, and I follow. My lungs seize from the cold, and I come back up spluttering. Nope. I was wrong. The cold is going to kill me.
“Okay, okay, this was a horrible idea!” I shriek, laughing as I race back to the shore.
Greg follows, cackling at my sudden change of heart. Dripping wet and shivering, he pulls another blanket out of his pack and wraps us in it, and we settle back onto the picnic blanket.