Page 31 of Vegas Baby

He turns toward me, the corner of his lips quirked up. “Now who is reading whose mind?” he teases. But it sounds off.

I smile back, the odd tension between us stoking my nerves. “Can I get you something to drink?” I offer lamely, depositing the bag in an armchair as he takes a seat on the couch across from it.

“I’m good, thanks,” he responds. “Why don’t you open it.” He tips his chin toward the bag.

I round the chair and take a seat, examining his face curiously. “But … why?”

He smirks and leans back. “Because when someone brings you presents, it’s just polite to open them.”

I roll my eyes. “No, I mean … why even bring them? Why come at all? I’m glad you’re here, but … why?” I ask again with a shrug.

He takes a deep breath. “Because I realized I can’t be mad at either of us for me being … well, me. And for you doing what you had to do.”

I scrunch my face, still not sure exactly what he means when the word “presents” sinks in. I look at the bag, then back at him.

“Wait, presents?” I ask with a grin. “As in … more than one?”

He chuckles and gestures at the bag. “Open it, Kira.”

I draw each item out, marveling at his thoughtfulness as I pull out a swaddle wrap and a pack of onesies, followed by two movies. I examine the covers.

“Look Who’s Talking and The Backup Plan,” Sebastian offers. “Both funny. Both have babies.”

I purse my lips. I’ve heard of them. Both are also romantic comedies. But I don’t comment on that fact, I simply catalog it and pull out the next item.

“York Peppermint Patties?” I ask, holding them up.

“My sister couldn’t get enough of them after all three of hers,” he explains.

“Ah.” I reach down to retrieve the last item in the bag and let out a laugh of disbelief. I look up and meet his eye. “Nipple cream? You bought me nipple cream?” I grin at him teasingly.

He turns bright red. “Is that what that is?” He rubs the back of his neck self-consciously. “Yeah, my sister picked out the kid stuff, to be honest. She and I will have words about that one.”

I laugh and collect the things, placing them all back in the bag.

“Well, thank you. And tell your sister thank you too, though I’ve already started switching to formula,” I say.

“Oh? Why’s that?”

I lift a shoulder. “Cliff has been very accommodating by letting me continue to work with my replacement and do other duties for the show. But with all the time I took off earlier this year, he was only able to give me a little over two weeks off for having the baby. And even that was difficult to get. So, I doubt I’ll be able to continue to breastfeed once I’m back. Though that may not happen since first I have to find a place that will take Nadia that I can afford. I —” I’m cut off by the sounds of Nadia’s shrill cries that tell me she’s up from her nap. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

I slip quickly through the kitchen and into my room — which is also Nadia’s room as Michael’s apartment only has two bedrooms. I lift her out of her crib and lay her on the bed to change her diaper, soothing her with my voice as I do. I bring her back into my arms and turn to go back only to see Sebastian leaning against the doorway. The unexpectedness and the expression on his face make my breath catch in my throat.

“You’re a natural,” he remarks, his voice deeper than usual. “It’s a shame you won’t get more time to be at home with her.”

“Honestly? I love her more than I thought possible … but I’m not sorry to be going back to work. It means I’m that much closer to getting back on stage myself.”

He steps forward and looks down at Nadia, brushing a strand of her dark hair from her tiny forehead. “She looks just like you.”

I nod in agreement. “I’m thankful for that. She could’ve looked like him. And I don’t know what I would’ve done if she did.”

Sebastian’s hand falls back to his side. “And he’s gone for good?”

I take in a deep, shaky breath and sit down on the bed. He settles next to me.

“After a fashion,” I say quietly as I rock the baby. “He’s dead.”

Sebastian turns and looks at me in shock. “You’re sure?”