“What?” Vivienne snaps.
“I mean, I’m no romantic, but even I’ve never fucked a girl in storage room. But hey, it looks like a nerd paradise with all these computers, so if you’re into it, I’m down.”
I reach for the bottom edge of my t-shirt, peeling it up over my head. When I drop it to the floor, Vivienne gulps, her eyes widening as she stares at me with naked lust.
Damn, if she’s going to make it this easy, maybe I’ll go ahead with the bet after all. Easy money is the best kind of money, and it’s not like I’m being forced to fuck a zero. She’s a ten on a bad day, and the desire in her eyes is already making me hard. The money’s just a bonus.
I step towards her, picturing her long legs wrapped around my hips while I hold her ass and pound into her snug little cunt. I can almost hear her moaning my name when I pin her up against the door and make her cum the way I bet that carrot top little nerd never did.
She glowers at me. “I’m not sleeping with you. This is a business arrangement.”
“So let’s get down to business,” I say, running my hand down over my eight-pack abs. “You get to pretend to be my girlfriend, and I get to fuck you.”
“Uh, no,” she says, holding up a hand. “None of that. Just two enemies agreeing to work together for the common good.”
“Which is?”
“Destroying the evil villain and the bitch who sat on his lap and made out with him for the entire lunch period to make me as uncomfortable as possible.”
“I know,” she says, crossing her arms. “She’s the devil.”
“Are you sure you’re not the devil?”
“I’m a Delacroix,” she says, a little smirk playing with her pink lips. “That’s worse.”
“Good to know.”
“This is your fault,” Vivienne reminds me, jabbing a finger toward me. “Plus, you offered.”
“Okay, okay,” I say, hooking my thumb over my belt buckle. “To make it official, we should probably seal it with a fuck.”
She glares, her pretty lips all smushed together in a way that makes me want to kiss them until she can’t breathe. “Is this a joke to you? Because I can find someone else to pretend to be my boyfriend.”
I scoff at that. “Oh yeah? Who?”
“Jerome,” she mutters.
“That puppy dog who follows you around?” I ask, laughing. “No, no. See, fucking your ex’s best friend is amateur level.”
“What do you mean?” she demands, and I know the girl’s already thought about it. That realization makes me want to go apeshit and break every fucking computer in the room. It was bad enough when she was just thinking about her boyfriend. I brush away the caveman urge and smile instead.
“You poor little nerd,” I say, reaching out and pulling her into my arms. “You so desperately need me.”
Her hands settle onto my bare skin, and I swear, I see fucking stars from the contact.
“Get off me,” she says, shoving me away. Her cheeks are flushed, but I can’t blame the girl for getting hot. She was just pressed up against Sebastian Swift’s bare chest. If I’m affected, she damn sure better be.
I sigh and park my ass on the edge of a table, crossing my arms and giving her a minute to eye-grope my pecs and arms before I explain. “If you fuck his friend, what happens afterwards?”
“I don’t know,” she mutters. “Chaz will bug out?”
I shake my head. “You’re killing me, Smalls.”
“Think, Nerd Girl. Sleep with his friend, and they’ll laugh at you together. You think this kid won’t tell Nerd Boy Chad about you the second it’s over? They’ll go back to being friends, you’ll get a reputation, and they’ll kick you out of the group. Fucking his enemy—that’s next level villainy.”