“You’re my enemy,” I correct. “Vivienne’s the hottest piece of ass I’ve had all year.”
Her eyes flash with fury, but hey, it’s not like they’re going to believe she’s my girlfriend. And I’m already in this deep, so I might as well see it through. I’ll just have to deal with the ass kicking when it comes.
Nerd Boy snorts. “Sure she is.”
Chiclet giggles and hides her face in his shoulder.
“What are you talking about?” Vivienne asks, her voice edged with an icy danger.
“Nothing,” Nerd Boy says, turning away.
Vivienne crosses her arms and glares. “No, go ahead. If you have something to say, say it to my face.”
Chiclet straightens and lifts her chin, staring back at Viv. “He’s too nice to say it, but he told me I was better in bed than you—not that it was saying much.”
Vivienne flinches, for once at a loss for a comeback.
“Or maybe she’s good, and you suck,” I say to Nerd Boy. “Not that I’m the expert, but when your mind is blown harder than your dick? I’d say that’s pretty fucking good. But hey, what do I know? Maybe you have more experience than me.”
Laughter echoes around the library, which has gone entirely silent except for our little drama. A few people who came in to get books have drifted over to the tutoring area to watch. And every single one of them knows my reputation, and they’re probably shocked Nerd Boy Chad has convinced even one girl to drop her panties for him, let alone two. I almost feel sorry for him as he stands there while everyone snickers and elbows each other. His pale face has gone bright pink against his orange hair, and I swear the dude’s about to cry.
“Hey come on, little buddy,” I say. “You can’t help it if you’re hung like a pinkie finger. I mean, she’s so tight I could barely get it in, but I’m probably above average. Still, I would have sworn she was a virgin. You must not have gotten in there very deep or stretched her out very good, did you, little guy?”
“Shut up,” Vivienne hisses at me.
I almost shut my mouth, but Nerd Boy looks like he’s about to launch himself across the room and take a swing at me, and the thought is too tempting to resist. I’m not going to punch out a dude that much smaller than me, but if he hits first? It’s on like Donkey Kong.
I throw an arm around Vivienne and give Nerd Boy Chad my biggest smile. “That’s unfortunate, little man. If you’re the size of a pencil, it probably didn’t feel that tight to you. Especially if you didn’t make her cum. That’s when she really clamped down on me. I thought I was going to black out when I busted inside her.”
I adjust myself inside my jeans, and I don’t even have to fake that part. Just talking about fucking her gives me a semi.
Nerd Boy is vibrating with rage, his hands balled into fists. “I’m not small,” he splutters, and everyone starts laughing again, clearly amused by his lame denial.
I raise a hand in a gesture of surrender. “Whatever you say, little dude. Maybe I’m wrong. Or maybe she just needed a real man to show her how to take a big cock, and then she’s dynamite in bed. I know when she rode me, I was born again.”
Vivienne shoves me away from her and storms out of the library, a chorus of laughter and “oohs” following.
Keisha gives me a disgusted look. “You’re a pig.”
“What?” I ask, glancing between her and Vivienne’s retreating figure. Damn, her ass is nice. How have I never noticed that until now?
Keisha just shakes her head like I’m too dumb to bother explaining to, and I guess she’s right, because I’m not sure where I went wrong. I was trying to help.
Clearly I only made things worse.
And it’s not Keisha’s explanation I want, anyway.
“Viv,” I call, ignoring the chatter that grows behind me as I take off after my best friend’s sister. I have to fix this.
As if to show me exactly how interested in my help she is, Vivienne lets the door swing closed in my face just as I reach it.
Vivienne Delacroix
“Viv, wait up,” Sebastian calls behind me. Ignoring him, I hurry down the hall. I’ve never been so humiliated in my life.
Footsteps echo in the empty corridor, and a second later, he grabs my arm and swings me around to face him.