“Come on,” Sebastian whispers over his shoulder, reaching back to grip my hand again.
We dart sideways, he pushes open the swinging doors, and we dive inside. A laugh bubbles up inside me, and I have to cover my mouth to stifle it.
Sebastian’s hypnotic eyes sparkle with mischief as he smiles down at me, his fingers still linked through mine, our bodies closer than they should be. Behind him, the kitchen is bustling with staff, and a Makaveli song thumps from a radio on one counter.
“If you want to come with us tonight, you can’t be Princess Vivienne Delacroix,” he says. “No good girls allowed. Only bad girls hang with us. Once you step into our world, you’re not a founding daughter or the one calling the shots.”
“Okay,” I say, my heart hammering in my chest. I know I should drop his hand, but I can’t seem to let go.
“I mean it,” he says, his fingers tightening on mine. “This is my world. You don’t get to come into it and try to make it like yours. You don’t get to boss me around like you do in tutoring. I’m in charge here. You do what I want, or you walk right back out the doors and go back to your party.”
“I don’t make you do whatever I want,” I protest.
He gives me a hard look and drops my hand. “You come into my house, you follow my rules. I never said they were the same as your rules. If you don’t like it, go home.”
I swallow hard, my pulse fluttering. I don’t like what he’s saying, but I don’t want to go home. Now that he’s challenged me, I don’t want to back down, either. I know I have nothing to prove, but for some reason, I want to impress him. I want him to see me as something other than a good girl, a nerd, a rich princess. I want him to see me as an equal, as someone cool and confident, who can handle anything and doesn’t care what anyone thinks.
“Look, it’s not that complicated,” he says when I don’t answer. “Either you’re in, or you’re out. If you have to think about it, then you don’t trust me enough to be here.”
He reaches behind me and shoves open the door to the dining room.
“Trust you?” I demand, crossing my arms and not moving. “Why would I trust the guy who bullies me and my friends?”
“Why would I trust you not to tell your parents what goes down with us?” he asks. “Your dad’s a lawyer, for fuck’s sake.”
“I don’t snitch,” I say through clenched teeth.
“Or you could tell your brother, for that matter.”
“What does Rob have to do with anything?”
“You think he wouldn’t kick my ass if he found out I was corrupting his innocent little sister? He’s already threatened to get a restraining order if I touch you.”
“He did what?” I demand, indignation rising inside me. That little shit. I don’t need him going around trying to be some kind of hero or telling me who I can or can’t hang out with.
“I’m his best friend,” Sebastian says. “Of course he’s going to tell me I can’t fuck his baby sister. That’s his duty. Why don’t you go on home and let big brother protect you? I’m not giving up my friendship because you got a taste for the rough stuff.”
“I’m his big sister,” I grit out. “And who said anything about fucking?”
Sebastian hesitates, clearly torn as he stands over me, his gaze searching mine. At last, he cracks a grin and steps back, letting the door fall closed. “Cute. So, you in or out? I got work to do.”
“I’m in,” I say, a shot of adrenaline pulsing inside me. “My lips are sealed. Now show me how it’s done in your world.”
Vivienne Delacroix
“Oh, I will,” Sebastian says, stepping in and wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me flush against him and pushing his thigh between mine. “I’m about to show you exactly how it’s done, Princess.”
“What are you doing?” I blurt out as he starts moving to the music, his thigh flexing against my center when he moves. A couple other people are dancing behind him, watching us with curiosity.
“You’re on my turf tonight, Princess,” Sebastian says, grinning down at me as he pushes his hips against mine just enough so I can feel his dick pressed to my stomach. “None of that ballroom dancing shit here.”
“Okay,” I say with a faint laugh. I’m not used to being manhandled like this, and I know I should be offended, but excitement coils inside me at the masterful way he takes control of my body with his. He doesn’t even seem to care that his friends are staring.
The knowledge that I’m being watched sends a tingle of excitement through me, and I throw my head back, wrap my arms around his neck, and move my body in rhythm with his. When the song ends, and he grabs my ass with both hands and bends his knees enough to grind his erection slow and deep between my thighs. I gasp at the sensation of his hardness biting into me. Tommy whistles, and someone else lets out a whoop of encouragement.
Heat pulses hard in my core as the blood rushes to my center. My cheeks warm too, and I push away from Sebastian, who chuckles and releases me.