“It wouldn’t be fucking him over if he didn’t find out.”
“Don’t do it,” Billy warns. “Trust me, I’ve sampled the upper crust of Faulkner, and I can tell you from experience, all pussy is created equal.”
“Nah, cuz, do not use the words crust and pussy in the same sentence,” Lexi says, shuddering dramatically.
This gets a round of laughter.
“Maybe the crusty ones are all the same,” I say, remembering the way Viv’s cum tasted on my fingers the other night. Fuck, what I wouldn’t do to feel her cum on my tongue…
The guys give Billy shit for a minute, and he laughs it off. “I’m just saying,” he argues, dragging on his cigarette and letting the smoke bloom from his lips into the cold, crisp morning. “Rich pussy don’t taste no different than poor pussy.”
Lexi huffs. “Don’t call it poor pussy, either. That sounds so unappetizing.”
“Aww, poor pussy,” Tony says, wagging his tongue between two fingers. “Want me to lick it better?”
“In your dreams,” she says, flipping him off.
“Hey, I was being generous,” Billy says. “I could have said mansion pussy don’t taste no different than trailer trash pussy.”
“That’s worse,” Lexi groans. “I do not have a trash pussy.”
“You’re my cousin, so you don’t got no pussy at all,” Billy says.
“Trust me, she’s got one,” Tony says, palming his crotch.
They scuffle for a minute before Maddox drags them apart too. “Next time I’ll knock your skulls together,” he warns. Seeing that he’s a fucking giant with neck tats and known gang affiliation who rarely cracks a smile, the threat sounds particularly ominous coming from him.
“Fine,” Billy says, picking up his smoldering cigarette from where it rolled against the wall of the Hockington. “But take my advice, Bash. Don’t fuck the bitch, tempting as it is.”
“Aww, but they’re so cute together,” Lexi says.
“Shut up,” I grumble.
She bats her eyes at me and makes her voice all breathy. “Oh, Sebastian,” she says mockingly, throwing the back of her hand against her forehead and swooning over so I have to catch her. “You’re so strong and manly.”
“She didn’t say that,” I growl, setting her back on her feet. Acting like I care will just make it worse.
“She basically did,” Lexi says, sucking on her cigarette like it’s going out of style.
“She just wanted to see how the other half lives,” Billy says. “She’d never go through with it. She’s not the type to slum it for a night with one of us.”
“How do you know?” I ask.
“We’re seniors,” he says. “If she was the type, one of us would have nailed her by now.”
“I bet I could change her mind.”
“Yeah?” Tony says. “How much?”
“How much you bet?”
“Yeah,” Randy says. “If you’re so sure of it, put your money where your mouth is. I’ll put my pay for last night on it.”
I hesitate, since I didn’t mean it in that way. But a hundred dollars won’t go far when it comes to fixing Mom’s car. Two or three hundred, and a chance to fuck Vivienne Delacroix on top of it… That’s hard to resist. Plus, the challenge has my adrenaline pumping already. What does it matter that I can’t stop thinking about her? I only want her because someone told me I can’t have her. Fucking her will get her out of my head. It’s a win-win.
“I’ll put mine in, too,” Billy says, pulling the money out of his wallet.