“Just make sure he gives you tips on how to do it before you try.”
“Don’t make me change my mind,” he says, grinning.
I start up the aisle of the auditorium, my heartbeat pounding in my ears. Sebastian is standing there with a giddy grin on his face like he knows exactly how damn charming he is, and how damn hard it is to stay mad at him.
I’ve only taken a few steps when a voice stops me. “Hey, Viv,” Chaz calls, doing a dorky little half-run to catch up with me. Suddenly all I can think about is how much I wanted him to chase me months ago, the night of the Founders Ball. I wince when I remember that version of myself, how badly I wanted him to fight for me, and how very little of that he did. Neither of us wanted to draw attention. Since then I’ve learned that I enjoy the spotlight—when the time is right.
Maybe Chaz has learned a thing or two as well, but I don’t feel triumph or elation that he’s finally chasing after me. All I feel is annoyance that he interrupted my path to Sebastian.
“Vivienne,” Chaz says again, taking out his inhaler and taking a puff, like that little run-walk winded him. Poor guy. I almost feel sorry for him. “Hey.”
“Hey, Chaz,” I say, not daring to look at Sebastian. I don’t want to see the smile gone from his face.
“You did great today,” Chaz says. “You got that last question so fast.”
We stand there awkwardly for a moment, and then I tip my head in Sebastian’s direction, a giddy smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. “I have to go.”
“Wait,” Chaz says, seizing my hand. “Viv… I know I messed up, but I swear to you, I never cheated.”
I shrug. “It’s fine. I don’t care. Really. I’m over it.”
“I care,” he says, glancing around and licking his lips nervously. He lowers his voice and squeezes my hand. “I want you to know I’m a nice guy. I… I still care about you, Viv.”
A laugh starts to bubble up inside me, but I hold it back. “Am I supposed to melt for your lukewarm sentiment?” I ask, extracting my hand. “Sorry, Chaz, but I’m not the girl I was when we dated. Not to mention you already have a girlfriend.”
“Yeah, but… Well, we’ve been having problems, and now…”
“Now that she’s bald, you want me back?” I ask, smirking over at her, where she’s trapped talking to her parents. From the way she’s glaring daggers, she must at least suspect what her little worm of a boyfriend is doing right now.
“I do want you back,” Chaz says, reaching for my hand again.
I pull it out of his reach. “You know what, Chaz? I don’t think you are a nice guy. I’m not going to do to Krissy what she did to me, even if she deserves it. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”
His bushy, orange brows draw together as he sees my gaze flicker impatiently in Sebastian’s direction. “You can’t be serious,” he says. “You’re taking back that clown, after he got on stage and humiliated you in front of everyone? On TV?”
“No, he didn’t humiliate me,” I say. “You humiliated me when you hooked up with the girl you told me was like your sister the entire time we were dating—the day after we broke up. Sebastian puts himself out there. He’s not over here whispering he cares about me so he can save face and then crawl back to his girlfriend if I don’t feel the same. He got on stage and told the world he fucking loves me.”
“I’ve said I loved you dozens of times.”
I just laugh and shake my head. “You can’t be serious.”
“I have,” he insists. “Why are you slumming it with a scumbag who played you for a bet when you could be with a good guy who genuinely cares about you?”
“Fine,” I say with a shrug. “You’re a nice guy who treated me like a princess. But I’ve learned that I prefer a bad boy who treats me like a queen.”
I turn and walk away, my footsteps light and my head held high.
I don’t even know what I’m going to say until I’m standing in front of Sebastian Swift, my bully and tormentor, my fake boyfriend, my first real love.
“What was that about?” he asks, scowling over my shoulder at Chaz. Though he looks pissed, there’s an edge of real hurt in his voice.
“That was me telling Chaz to shove his nice guy act up his hairy orange ass.”
“Really?” Sebastian asks, a little grin turning up the corners of his mouth and making me want to give in to the giddiness buoying me up until I think I’ll float away.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, holding myself back.