She sighed and walked away from the window to go and sit in front of her food. Even though she felt like shit, she had become rather ravenous lately. She didn’t want to think what that meant. She had no other pregnancy symptoms but...
“He told me you’re his only friend. And you did seem close when I met you at the hotel. I don’t want him to do something he’ll regret when I’m gone.”
Dylan folded his arms and leaned against the window ledge.
“I thought I was fixing things but made them worse,” he said quietly. “He ordered me to protect you with my life. I shouldn’t have tried to find a way around that. I owe you my life now, Layla. I will keep the promise I made to him.”
She paused in the middle of lifting the lids off her food.
“Why are you speaking as if he’s not coming back?”
“Because I don’t know if he will. He’s cut everyone off. I can’t reach him.”
She was sure he didn’t mean over the phone. He was openly discussing werewolf things with her when Jackson told her the knowledge was too dangerous for her to have.
But she couldn’t think about that when Dylan’s words hit her hard.
Why had she even wondered if Jackson felt the same? The first changes she had noticed in herself were her reactions to him. Sensing how he felt had become an everyday thing. She had known she had hurt him the moment she said those words that night.
The pain had been...
She put the lid back on her food, the pain at the forefront again.
“When did you know?”
She knew what he was asking, but for the first time since she arrived, she put all her trust in Jackson and everything he had taught her.
“Know what?”
“I know you saw him. You saw what he did,” Dylan said.
“I don’t know what you mean,” she answered calmly before she opened the food containers and put some food in her mouth.
Dylan sighed and then pushed away from the window. He walked towards her and pulled something out of his pocket. Her phone. She dropped her cutlery and eagerly reached for it.
“I’ve saved my number there. Call me if you need anything,” Dylan said. “And try not to worry your sister. I can’t take you to see her because taking you past the gates is... It’s dangerous.”
There were too many missed calls and messages on her phone. Brit would have been going out of her mind.
But still, even that thought didn’t hurt her as much as the pain in her chest caused by Jackson.
“Do you need anything? More food, books? Movies?”
It was weird to see him being civil. She shook her head and put the phone down on the table. She couldn’t speak to Brit now, anyway. Her sister would know that something was wrong.
“Don’t try to come outside tonight. It will be dangerous,” Dylan continued.
And then he gave her a nod before walking to the door.
He was halfway there when he paused and then rushed to the window. His face paled, and his eyes flashed briefly.
“Fuck,” he whispered.
“What’s happened?” she asked as she stood and walked to the windows, too.
Was it Jackson? Could he see him?
Dylan turned and pulled something else from his pocket. She was surprised when he put a set of keys in her hand.