Page 103 of Dr. Fellow

Once we were officially married, I broke my lease and moved into Walker’s house. There were a few moments when I thought he was going to lose it during the process, like when I procrastinated packing until an hour before the movers were supposed to come and started frantically tossing things into boxes. But I married the most patient man on the planet, so he simply let out an exasperated breath and got to work.

Other than helping me unpack, Walker spent the month locked in his office as he studied for his board exams. It’s the main reason we postponed the honeymoon—well, that, and because I already used my vacation days from calling out too much.

As soon as he finished his boards, we got our asses in gear and drove up to the mountains because we only had a four-day period between the exam and the start of his fellowship.The morning after we got here, at the ass crack of dawn, Beau and Claire called to tell him that he passed. At first, I thought they were in trouble because all we could hear were unintelligible screams and wild noises from their line, but they eventually got themselves together to deliver the news.

While Walker was happy about the exam results, I honestly think their call meant more to him than the actual certification. He’s mentioned numerous times this weekend that he can’t believe they were stalking the website for him. But I can—because that’s what you do for the people you love.

We’re currently curled up on the floor by the hearth, recounting our favorite parts of our wedding. The low tonight is in the sixties, so while we don’t need the fire to stay warm, I asked Walker to turn it on—sometimes you have to live life for the vibes.

“Did you like the first dance song?” My husband’s brown eyes reflect the glowing flames as he smiles down at me in his lap.

“How did you even know I liked Trace Adkins?”

“Beau gave me a few country artists, and I listened to their music until I found one that fit.”

“And he says I can’t keep a secret.” I laugh and roll my eyes. “Your choice was perfect.”

I never realized how sentimental Walker was, but it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite things about him. When the song “Timing is Everything” started playing for our first dance, I was shocked because it’s one of my all-time favorites, and I hadn’t heard it in a while. But as we lazily danced in the middle of the floor, the meaning of the lyrics really hit home.

Love has the power to hurt us or heal us. But the timing has to be right for either one of those things to happen. And fortunately for us, it was.

“You wouldn’t have preferred ‘Hooked on a Feeling’?” he asks with an evil grin as his gaze lingers on my breasts.

I bite my lip to hide my amusement, though I hear my breath catch as my mind recalls that particular scene in vivid detail.

“What about ‘Ms. New Booty’?” I suggest, adjusting myself in his lap so the robe I’m wearing falls out of the way. My decoy works like a charm because Walker hisses with arousal as his eyes travel down my spine and land on my ass.

I’ve been teasing him with new lingerie for the past few days, and I saved the best set for last. It’s a white lace robe and corseted bodysuit with detailing so intricate that has to be handmade. And considering Claire got it for me as a wedding present, it probably is.

As soon as I came out of the bathroom wearing the outfit after dinner, Walker tried to pounce. While I was right there with him because all he put on today was a tight pair of boxer briefs that sit low on his hips and show off his swimmer’s body, I enjoy making him work for his dessert. I told him that I had a surprise if he could restrain himself for an hour and sit with me by the fire. But he only made it a total of maybe ten minutes before he started trying to seduce me again.

It’s been a humorous game of self-control for the two of us, with his hands slowly wandering and my gentle, though lackluster, nudges to keep him at bay. Walker is totally losing though, and if he knew about the surprise I have for him, his crumbling restraint wouldn’t last a second longer.

I jiggle my ass a little bit to test the waters, and a thrill races down my spine as his cock jerks beneath me.

“Morgan,” he warns, forcing his attention from my body and onto my face. His unshaven jaw is tight and his lips are thin as they roll together.

“Uh, oh,” I giggle, sensing that he’s nearing his breaking point. “I know what happens when you call me that.”

“And yet you have a huge smile on your face.”

A ripple of excitement pulses through my core. I love it when he uses his dominant voice—it’s so damn hot.

“I sure do.” I push myself into a kneeling position in between his legs, resting my hands on his upper thighs. “It means you want to play.”

Chapter 41


Each step I take on my way down from the loft triggers a dramatic creak from the old wooden boards. While I didn’t intend for it to be that way, I like that the sound is only heightening my wife’s excitement for what’s about to happen. It’s become one of my favorite parts of our dynamic—the anticipation.

I’ve made her wait in all sorts of positions—sometimes in restraints, and other times simply on her knees. No matter what I do though, I always find her soaking wet and needy when I finally decide to touch her. I fucking love it, and even though she’s notoriously impatient, I think she loves it too.

Tonight I intended to hold out for longer after tying her to the kitchen chair, but her bridal lingerie has been testing my limits—I can’t wait a second longer to do this.

“I got you a present,” I say, positioning myself behind her perfect body.

I removed the robe before tying her up but opted to leave the corset on because the fabric tapers into a thin strip at the base of her spine, giving me plenty of room to work with.