I sigh, reminding myself that it doesn’t matter, because I’m just going back to bed.
“Merry Christmas!” a voice immediately calls as my door opens. “Sorry if we woke you. We really tried to be quiet.”
My eyes land on Caroline and Cassidy in the kitchen, flour coating theirguilty faces. Red Santa hats are propped on their heads, and they’ve got matching red flannel pajamas on.
“Didn’t I tell you guys I was sick?” I fake a cough to corroborate my story as I lean against the door frame.
Caroline’s deep blue eyes narrow on mine. “Those are not the pajamas I wear when I’m sick.”
I blush, remembering what I’ve got on. The silky red pajamas were an early Christmas gift from Beau, and I tried them on last night before he left for the hospital. He’s on call until tomorrow morning, and wearing them makes me feel like he’s here with me. They’re more revealing than my usual sets and my ass hangs out of the bottom, hence the curious look from my sister.
“Look good, feel good,” I shrug, a sly smirk forming on my face as I walk toward the kitchen. The smell of cinnamon and oats fills my nostrils, and my stomach growls inadvertently. “But seriously, what are you guys doing? It smells delicious.”
Caroline wipes her brow with her elbow. “We’re making Mom’s cookies.”
Cassidy drops something on the ground and yells an obscenity, causingmy sister to roll her eyes and add, “Well, I’m making Mom’s cookies. Cass keeps messing up the melted butter. It’s really not that hard.”
“I have no idea why Parker calls you his angel sister,” Cassidy glowers, picking up whatever she dropped and tossing it in the trash can. “All you’ve done this morning is boss me around.”
Leaning across the counter, I swipe my finger through the mixing bowl. “It’s because they’re the same person, Cass. And all demons think that they’re actually angels.”
Caroline shoots me a cranky glare as I pop a glob of cookie dough in my mouth. “Sorry this demon is just trying to make Christmas nice for everyone!”
I can’t help the grin that forms on my face. I love that they’re spending time together, especially since none of us have seen my sister since the funeral. She’s been ridiculously busy with medical school, and she handles grief and emotions much like the rest of my family—by avoiding them.
The problem is, when you avoid emotions for long enough, they decide to come to visit on your favorite day of the year.
“Cass, do you not want to spend the day with your parents?” I ask, seating myself on a stool as I watch them work.
“No, they went on a cruise,” she replies casually. “Something about their new traditions being spent in the Caribbean.”
“Oh my god,” Caroline squeals as she runs out of the kitchen. “Who is this?”
She pulls Frosty into her arms, squeezing him tight as she spins around in circles. I’ve never seen her this excited about anything, and honestly, I’m not sure how to respond.
“Uh,” I pause, flipping my head upside down to tame my wild hair into a bun. “My roommate got him for me as a foster, but that plan failed, so we kept him.”
She takes his paw in her hand and waves it. “I’m Auntie Carol. You’re a precious angel baby, aren’t you?”
Cass and I both give each other perplexed looks as my sister proceeds to baby-talk to my cat for the next minute. I guess I know what to get her next Christmas . . .
“So, how’s everything going with Beau?” Cass asks casually as she sips from her coffee mug. “Parker told me y’all are going to Houston in a few days, and we’re both kind of pissed we didn’t get an invite.”
My cheeks heat at the mention of Beau.
I casually brought up the trip to my brother last week after we had gone over the plans for his engagement party. Each time we talk, I try to drop hints about my relationship with Beau, attempting to test the waters before actually having the conversation. Parker didn’t really say much at the time, but I also think he was distracted because he had just pulled up to the hospital. If he’s telling Cass, though, he clearly can’t be that upset.
“You’re both working, moron,” I reply with all the love in the world.
“Why didn’t I get an invite?” Caroline chimes in from the floor. She’s got the laser pointer out now, and is making Frosty chase the tiny red dot in circles around her.
I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. “Because you don’t even know him.”
“I met him once! But he was so attractive I could barely look him in the eyes.”
Oh god, just what Beau needs—another Winters sibling obsessed with him.