“True. I’ll have a beer or two, but you’ve never seen me drunk because I never am. I, too, like to be in control.”
Thinking back to the years I’ve known Gunner, I can’t remember a time when he was obviously drunk. He’s always the same, a grumpy guy of few words. I’d assumed he was the same way when drinking. His statement is hard to believe. It shatters years of preconceived notions, but I have no evidence to the contrary. It’s not that I wouldn’t date someone who drank. I know that people can get tipsy and have fun without having a problem. However, it’s oddly another thing we have in common.
I’m not quite sure if I find our many similarities comforting or unsettling. Because of his past, he can see into me in a way that no one ever has. He understands. We’ve barely gotten to know each other, and already, I feel as if there’s no hiding.
Speaking of parallels, I ask, “How about your mom? Has she gotten better choosing a man?”
Gunner’s entire frame goes stiff, and my heart beats rapidly in my chest. The air in the room has shifted. Gunner stands and collects the take-out containers.
“She’s dead.” His voice is low and firm with his response. It’s only two words, but they carry a finality, and I’m well aware that our getting-to-know-you session is over.
Idig my hand into the plastic bag Sebastian handed me, pull out a fresh scone, and take a bite.
“Motherfucker, Bash,” I say through a mouthful of heavenly goodness. “We’re going to have to think of a new nickname for you because you can make way more than cookies.”
“It’s good, right?” He grins.
“Fuck, yeah. I always thought scones were dry. This isn’t dry at all.” I take another bite.
“Well, the key to making sure it doesn’t come out dry is to…”
I hold up a hand, halting what was sure to be a very long-winded explanation on how to make the perfect scone. “Dude, you know I’m never going to make these myself. Don’t waste your baking knowledge on me. Are they cinnamon?”
“Yeah, apple cinnamon.”
“These would be good with coffee,” I say, though I myself am not a coffee fan. Yet I know a sassy redhead who would love these with her coffee. I make a mental note to save her a couple even though I could easily devour this entire bag.
As if he can read my mind, Bash says, “Penny will love them.”
I nod.
Not taking the hint, he continues, “So you and Penny, huh?”
If he were anyone else, I might tell him to shut his mouth in a non-polite way, but it’s not easy to be a dick to Sebastian Calloway. At twenty-four years old, he’s the youngest on the team, and he embodies the baby brother role. He looks younger than his age with his floppy sandy-blond hair, big blue eyes, and dimple. Plus, he just seems young and innocent. I’ve seen him with some puck bunnies, so I know he’s anything but innocent, yet I can’t help but feel protective over him.
I toss the remainder of the ziplock bag of scones on the top of my clothes in my duffel, careful not to squish them before I zip up my gym bag. I got my lifting in early today, and now that practice is finished, I have a few hours before Penny leaves work. Since I’ve been staying at her place, I’m going to run home and grab some more clothes before she gets off.
“How’s that going? You guys hitting it off?” Bash asks.
I raise a brow. “How about we talk about whoever you’ve been secretly texting over the past six months? You know, the one who makes you smile like a schoolboy when you text her? We should take a deep dive into that conversation.”
Bash’s eyes go wide. “Oh, gotcha. Penny questions are off-limits. Got it. See you later, Gun.” Turning on his heel, he hikes up his gym bag and heads for the door.
I chuckle. “Thanks for the scones, Cookie.”
He waves without turning back.
The truth is, I don’t care who Bash is seeing. He has his right to privacy. If anyone gets that, I do. But that doesn’t mean I don’t know he’s secretly talking to someone. The kid is constantly on his phone, though he’s never mentioned a word about the person he’s texting, which is different for him because I usually can’t get the kid to shut up. He’s not one to be hush-hush about anything. It’s clear he doesn’t want to talk about his current relationship or whatever it is with the team, just as I don’t. Only with me, it’s impossible to date Penny in complete secrecy, given we work together. However, I’ll be damned if I’m going to participate in conversations about my dating life.
After a trip home to grab more clothes and run a few errands, I head over to Penny’s place, and thankfully, she’s home.
I knock a couple of times on the front door.