Page 38 of One Pucking Wish

I pull in a deep breath. One thing I’ve never wanted to be is a coward, and I refuse to be one now.

My thumbs move across the screen as I answer him back.

Of course I’m coming. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Sorry for the late RSVP. It’s been crazy at work.

His response is almost immediate.

Great. I can’t wait for you to meet Marcela.

It takes me a second to remember Marcela is the Target model’s name. I scanned the wedding invitation for a total of two seconds before tossing it in my mail basket, never to look at it again. Another text comes through.

Will you be bringing a date?

Yes, please.

No problem. Steak, fish, or chicken?

Two steaks, please.

Got you down. See you soon.

And with that, our text exchange is over. I don’t have anyone to bring, but even via text, I couldn’t admit it. Additionally, I probably wouldn’t have chosen the steak if I’d taken a second to think about it. I chose the most expensive one to what… stick it to… the Target model’s rich parents? I have issues.

“Ugh!” I groan and fall to the side, plopping onto the bed.

After a minute, I pick up my phone and type out a text to Gabby.

I’m going. Just spoke with Tucker. See you there.


The amount of exclamation points she uses makes me want to scream into my pillow. So I do.

The plane lands back in Michigan, and Iris and I wait for the players and the rest of the occupants to deplane before we follow them out.

“I’m going to run to my parents’ to check on Sandy, and I’ll be back,” she says.

“Take your time. We don’t have much to do today,” I say.

The guys head off to the locker room to change for practice, and I make my way up to my office. After setting my purse down on my desk, I turn to my fancy coffee maker and hit the button. The water and coffee pod are waiting and ready. I find it best to have it all set up before coffee is needed to alleviate any caffeine emergencies. I grab my favorite flavored creamer from the mini-fridge and pour some into the cup of freshly brewed coffee.

I take a sip. It’s no Starbucks PSL, but it’s pretty damn good.

Reaching into my purse, I switch my phone off Airplane Mode. The second it has a signal, there is one notification ting after the next.

This can’t be good.

Reluctantly, I set my coffee down on my desk and pull up my phone notifications.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”

I scan one post after the next and read all the articles I can find.

Jolting up from my chair, phone in hand, I hurry toward the locker room. I burst through the door and approach the bane of my existence. “Dreven, in my office. Now.”

He furrows his brows and shoots me a glare. “No. We’re practicing.”

“Now.” I turn on my heels and head back toward my office. The guys tease Gunner as he follows me.