“About time you joined us. I got you lunch,” Ivan said.
I’d heard the whispers of Ivan arriving at fellow Brigadiers’ homes without an invite. Enjoying their wives, not in a sexual way, but in a fun and friendly way.
I couldn’t quite read the atmosphere based on Niamh’s facial expression, even though I wanted to know what the fuck was going on. For several seconds, my wife looked at me, and then she went back to eating her sandwich. I’d been made aware of Ivan arriving at my home, by the alarm I had on my door.
Before I’d even married Niamh, I had security placed throughout my penthouse suite. When you had enemies far and wide that wanted you dead every other week, you learned to protect yourself. Even when I wasn’t home, I activated the security and I was able to keep an eye at every single residence I owned. I’d known Ivan hadn’t left my territory. He’d also not come and seen me either.
Several of his spies were always around. I knew he trusted me, and sometimes he played the Bratva game just for his own personal entertainment, but I was not amused. I didn’t know what Ivan had to say to Niamh.
In the past two weeks, we were … existing together. This situation wasn’t ideal. I knew Niamh was hurt by my lies. At the same time, I knew she couldn’t quite be so angry. She knew she had lied just as bad to me. Although, I had known who she was. Our situation was a little fucked up, but it was workable.
I’d decided to give her space, and she’d been sleeping in the spare bedroom. Only, Ivan had made the decision that not only was he going to pay us a visit, he was going to stay the night as he didn’t feel like going to one of those boring hotels.
After lunch, Ivan stayed and watched a movie with Niamh. He told me I could get back to work, but I didn’t want to leave Ivan alone with my wife.
After the first movie finished, and I watched as Ivan made himself comfortable, which pissed me off. I made my escape and went to the bedroom. Pulling up Slavik’s number, I called him. At first, he didn’t answer. It took several rings before he finally picked up.
“What’s up?” Slavik asked.
“How the fuck do you get Ivan out of your home and away from your wife?” I asked.
There was silence on the line and that didn’t exactly bode well for me. I didn’t want silence. I wanted answers.
“Wait it out. Spend time with your wife. Go on dates with her. Show her attention,” Slavik said.
“I’m telling you what to do. You don’t like the answer, then enjoy Ivan being a best friend to your wife.”
He hung up and I called Andrei, who also said the same. Next I called Ive, and he pretty much said the same. I’d already been gone too long, and I made my way out of the room to find another movie put on “pause,” and there was laughter coming from the kitchen.
Gritting my teeth, I walked into the kitchen, and there at the stove stood my wife and Ivan, and it was like they were two best friends as they attempted to make popcorn. The kernels were popping and Ivan chose that moment to open the lid for a couple to pop right on out.
Niamh let out a scream, and quickly put her hand on top of his. “Don’t.”
“Having fun?” I asked.
They both turned to look at me.
“Yeah, Dad, we’re having fun making popcorn to watch a movie full of blood and guts. You want to join?” Ivan asked.
“Can you and I have a word?” I asked, not entertained at all.
The smile on Niamh’s face dropped. “Here, I can take this.”
Ivan sighed. “It looks like I’ve got to go and get my ass kicked.”
Niamh chuckled and I walked with Ivan away from the kitchen, going into the dining room. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I was making popcorn. What was hard to see about that?” Ivan asked.
“No, what are you doing with my wife?”
Ivan stared at me for several seconds. “In case you didn’t know, I was making friends with your wife. I’m helping you out, seeing as I might have also caused you a little trouble?”