Page 64 of A Monster Is Coming

He nudged several wrapped packages toward me.

“Are you kidding me?” I asked.

“Not at all. That food is for you, and seeing as you’re not eating, I’m going to make sure you start doing so.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re not my dad.”

“I know. But that doesn’t mean I can’t act like it now. You clearly need someone to take care of you.”

I laughed. “Please, I’ve been taking care of myself my whole life. I don’t need anyone to start now.” I hated how hard I sounded. I reached for the drink and wrapped my fingers around it, feeling the warmth. I took a sniff, and the aroma of coffee was so heavenly. My mouth watered for a taste, and I took a quick drink of the liquid, and it tasted so good.

“It’s good coffee.”

“The bakery is the best in Peter’s territory.”

“Do you have different bakeries you love?” I asked.

“Yes, in each territory, I have found several that I like, and yes, I take each wife to all of them.”

“You’re close with each of your men’s wives?”

Ivan nodded. “Yes, I am well liked. It’s a gift.” He laughed. “It helps to remind them all of what they’ve got. They never take their women for granted.”

I stared at him and knew he did it for a reason. I didn’t for a second believe Ivan took his wife for granted. I had a feeling when it came to Ivan, he had loved his wife with all his heart. I didn’t know who she was, but anyone who enjoyed that kind of devotion would be a lucky woman.

“What about the men who are forced to marry? Do they feel the same way?” I asked.

Ivan smiled. “You think Peter’s been forced into this relationship?”

“You cannot try to pretend he hasn’t been.”

“Do you think I’m so careless when it comes to a man and woman that I don’t know what’s best for them?”

I smiled. “So, now you’re an expert on what is good and bad for people?”


It felt so good to talk to someone. Even though I was pretty sure Ivan was a terrifying person. Men were afraid of him. I knew Peter respected him.

“You have no doubts, do you?” I asked.

“Eat your sandwich.”

I shook my head and unwrapped the paper bag it had come in. The scents of tomato, garlic, beef, and provolone assailed my senses. “A meatball sub?” I asked.

“Yes, only the best for you.”

I was growing partial to that little wink he gave. Ignoring that spark of happiness building in my chest, I lifted the sub and took a large bite. The flavors ignited on my tongue.

“I am going to kill your father.”

With a mouthful of food, it wasn’t exactly the greatest conversation starter. I coughed a little and then quickly chewed my food and looked toward Ivan. He took a bite out of his own sandwich. I wasn’t sure what he had gotten for himself.


“Your father and indeed your mother, both are going to die. I predict Peter is going to be the one to kill your father.”

I had no idea what to say to that. Did I just keep eating and hope he didn’t ask any questions?