Page 86 of From the Ashes

She increases the pace of her fingers and uses her thumb to rub her clit. The obscene sounds of her wetness around her fingers fill the room, and I’m lost in her. In her moans, in her whimpers, in every fucking move she makes.

I’m lost.

“Fuck, I’m so close,” she whines, her hips lifting of their own accord as she chases her release.

“You going to come all over my desk, Little Menace? Are you going to soak it so it smells like you every time I sit here?” I force the question through gritted teeth. I’m so fucking desperate to taste her that my mouth is watering, and I’m struggling to think through a single coherent thought.

“Yes,” she pants. “Fuck yes.”

Her body trembles and her pussy pulses around her fingers, and then she falls.

A strangled cry fills the office as she rides out the orgasm she rewarded herself with, and I can’t tear my eyes off the wetness that drips down her fingers and thighs, straight onto the hard wood.

That’s it, I’m never cleaning this thing again.

Camilla’s chest heaves as she recovers from her release, and when her eyes pop open, they’re filled with satisfied determination.

Her fingers pull free of her wet heat, and she brings them to her lips, immediately slipping them into the wet paradise that is her mouth.

A soft moan fills the room as she cleans them before she climbs off the edge of the desk. She plucks Kovu’s shirt off the floor and tugs it over her head, covering herself from my gaze.

She moves in front of me, stepping between my spread knees and bringing her face down until her breath whispers across my cheeks, and I can almost taste her pussy on her luscious lips. “Until you can pull your head out of your ass, that’s as close as you’re getting to my naked body. I want this. I want you. But I have more self-respect than to chase someone who doesn’t want me.”

And with that, she turns on her heel and walks out, leaving me tied to my desk chair with an erection that has long passed being painful.

If anyone ever mistakes Camilla for a weak woman, they’re a fucking idiot.



“Will you sit still?” I snap at Kovu. I’d forgotten why I hate doing surveillance with him, but it’s suddenly coming back to me.

The asshole couldn’t sit still if his life depended on it.

“Do you think Camilla’s okay?” He asks.

I sigh and turn to face him. He’s never been like this with the women he’s been with. Hell, half of them could have dropped dead, and he likely wouldn’t have batted an eye.

But Camilla is a whole different ball game for him. For all of us, if I’m honest.

“She’s fine. She’s more than capable of taking care of herself.”

“But Crew’s being a dick.”

“And she’ll deal with it. You can’t treat her like she’s made of glass, because you’ll piss her off, and I don’t know about you, but I never want to be in the doghouse with that woman.”

He chuckles. “You’re right. I’d rather be on her good side where I can have her pussy any time I please.”

I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the guy we’re tailing.

Daniel Harding.

Thirty-four years old. Single. No family. Recently moved to New York from South Carolina. No record of criminal activities aside from breaking and entering when he was sixteen. There’s nothing to say he’s involved with Caleb, but there’s also nothing to say he’s not.

We have no idea where he’s been for the last three years, other than assuming he hasn’t been in the city, but even then, we could be wrong. In a city with a population like this, there’s any number of places to hide where no one will recognize you.

So far, Daniel has been doing mundane tasks for the five hours we’ve been following him. He’s been to the laundromat down the road from his mid-rise apartment building. He’s been to the grocery store and carried three bags of shit back, saying hello to his elderly neighbor as he passed. And now he’s taking his dog for a walk.