Page 83 of From the Ashes

She leans back further, using her free hand to prop herself up as she presses a finger inside herself and lifts her hips. Having her perfect pussy so close to my face, watching as it stretches around her slender finger, has me so fucking hard my cock aches behind the zipper of my pants.

He hasn’t quite gotten the memo that we’re meant to be keeping our distance from Camilla, it seems.

“Listen, Charles, I understand you’re upset, but this is something we should be discussing at this afternoon’s meeting at the Scarlet Lounge so that I can hear both sides of the story. You know, we don’t decide on anything until we have the whole picture.” I’m fucking proud at how even my voice comes out, considering how amped up I am watching Camilla pleasure herself.

He replies with some excuse, reiterating how he believes Christopher will try to talk his way out of it, and then launches into another grievance I have no patience for right now.

Camilla presses a second finger inside herself and barely catches the groan that tries to escape her throat. Fuck, if I don’t get off this call soon, I might just fuck her with Davenport on the other end of the phone.

The idea has merit, and perhaps it would solidify the fact that we make the rules, not him. But again, then I would have to kill him, and that’s just not a mess I feel like cleaning up on top of all the ones Caleb seems to be making.

“I really need to get going, Charles. I’ll see you this afternoon, and we can discuss this further.”

I hang up the phone before he can try to stay on the phone, because my patience has officially left the building.

The phone lands on the desk beside Camilla as she withdraws her fingers and promptly presses them to my lips, wiping her wetness across the soft skin before returning them to her pussy and immediately pressing three fingers inside herself. The taste of her explodes on my tongue, and I’m desperate for more. Her pussy is too fucking addictive for me to resist.

Her pussy stretches as she moans, her hips lifting of their own accord.

I reach for her, but she shakes her head slowly.

“No,” she says. “You’re the one who is putting distance between us, so now you get to see the consequences of those actions.”

“You can’t be serious,” I choke out.

“Oh, but I am. You think you know better than me. You think you know what’s best for me and what I’m going to want in the future. But you don’t. You don’t have a fucking clue.” There’s an edge of pain in her words, and regret hits me in the gut.

She’s right.

I haven’t given her a chance to speak to me about what Caleb said. I’ve spent as much time as possible outside the compound, more than I have in years, in fact, just so I can avoid her to try to make it easier on both of us. But what I should have done was talk to her.

And now she’s going to make me pay for that mistake.



I’m so on edge right now I can barely breathe.

I’ve never done anything like this before, and I don’t know where the hell I got the confidence to do it now, but the way Crew’s eyes flash with challenge when I tell him I’m going to punish him for avoiding me makes my stomach roll with anticipation.

I swallow heavily as I press three fingers inside myself, the feeling as familiar as it is foreign.

I’ve never played with myself like this. Not even close. But right now I’m acting like I know what the fuck I’m doing when I absolutely do not.

Crew repositions himself, his hand falling to the bulge in his slacks, but I quickly kick his hand away, earning me a glare.

“How does it feel to be neglected, Crew?” I raise a brow a moment before a moan slips from my throat. Fuck, this feels good. Too good. “How does it feel to not be allowed to have what you want because someone else thinks they know better than you?”

His eyes flash with regret, and I force my lips not to tug up in a triumphant smile. I knew it was going to take something big to get through to him, but I have to admit this feels a little easy.

The phone beside me vibrates across the desk, and his eyes flick to the screen at the same time mine do. Bishop’s name appears on the screen as we both stare at it for long seconds until the screen goes dark again.

It’s only when the phone lights up again that Crew reaches for it, muttering something about it being important.

He can do whatever the fuck he wants while I sit here and get myself off, as long as he remains in that seat watching me.

“Bishop, I’m busy right now.” His words are strained as I pull my fingers free and press them to my lips this time, earning me a deep rumble.