Page 68 of From the Ashes

“Kovu, no!” Camilla cries, but I’m too focused on ending this once and for all.

There aren’t many things I know for sure, but this I’m certain of. Caleb is not walking out of this cemetery with his heart still beating, because for as long as he lives, he’s a threat to my little lamb, and I intend on killing anyone who falls into that category for the rest of our lives.



It’s all happening too fast.

There are four guns trained on Kovu and Camilla, and each of the men look trigger-happy. But there’s nothing I can do about it. Not with my hands tied behind my back and some asshole with his hand on my shoulder to keep me in place.

I turn to Bishop, the only one of us who isn’t tied up, and he’s calculating. That’s what he’s best at, and I try to push down some of the panic by reasoning with myself.

He’ll figure this out. He always does.

Because the alternative isn’t something I’m willing to live with.

Camilla should have chosen me. I’m the most obvious choice, and everything Caleb said was true. I’m twice her age, what place do I have in her life? Or her kids’ lives, for that matter? Even if I wanted more kids, which I’m not certain I do, how would we explain our relationship? Or the fact that I’m old enough to be their grandfather.

I’m distracted from my spiraling thoughts when I notice a few of the guys lurking at the edge of the chaos aim their guns toward the tree line, and that’s when I see them.

There’s a line of men walking toward us, each with their guns trained on Caleb’s men.

Bishop springs into action beside me, slamming his head back into the nose of the guy behind him and vaulting to his feet without hesitation.

Another one of Caleb’s masked men tries to pull Kovu off his boss, but he’s lost to his anger, and right now, I’m more worried about Camilla getting in the middle of his rage than anything else.

“Get off him!” Camilla growls as she grasps the man around his shoulders and tugs him backward. The move must catch him off guard because he stumbles, causing Camilla to fall beside where Kaos is still tied up.

The masked man turns on her, and she can’t scramble to her feet fast enough to fight him off, allowing him to get ahold of her with her back to his chest and both arms banded around her middle.

When he pulls a gun from behind him, my stomach bottoms out as he presses the barrel to her temple.

“Everyone stop!” He barks the order, but Kovu is lost in his anger. His scarred hands are wrapped around Caleb’s throat as he snarls down at the man he considered family. For all of us, what Caleb has done is the ultimate betrayal, but for Kovu? It’s on another level. Especially knowing he intentionally kept that snake Joel alive all this time despite knowing Kovu needed him dead for closure.

Bishop crouches down beside Kovu and tries to get his attention. “I need you to let him up, big guy. Camilla’s life depends on it.”

His wild blue eyes snap up to Bishop’s, and I see some of the tension melt from his shoulders that he’s managed to get his attention before he flicks his gaze to where Camilla is completely still in the arms of the enemy.

As they get closer, I realize the men who have come to our aid are more than a little familiar.

Elias and Wyatt are both dressed in tactical gear, their matching stances betray their service with the SEALs.

On one side of them is Luca Monroe, Camilla’s second-in-command, and a group of his men, who I hope to hell have been vetted.

On the other side is Noah Thorne with three of his men, each dressed in all black with a bulletproof vest to boot. I’m not surprised he came to our aid, but I am surprised Camilla called on him in the first place. It’s rare for the families to call on one another for assistance, but it confirms what I’ve suspected about the next generation of leaders. Although they may be younger, they are no less capable, and when they take their places, the city’s underworld will know a level of peace that it never has before.

A small cry escapes Camilla’s throat, which drags all our attention back to where the masked man is dragging her backward, causing her to stumble along with him.

“Get your hands off her!” Bishop barks out the order as he rises to his feet, leaving one hand on Kovu’s shoulder to stop him from falling back into his rage.

From where I’m kneeling, I can’t see Caleb’s face, but I have to imagine it’s pretty messed up after being on the receiving end of so many punches from Kovu.

“Help him up!” the masked man demands, and it takes a moment for anyone to move.

Noah and Wyatt have their guns trained on the man holding Camilla, but that just means more weapons aimed at my woman, which does nothing to settle me.

Bishop drags Kovu off Caleb with more force than necessary, and the big man falls on his ass, but his attention is locked on Camilla, distracting him from his rage.