But I get it now.
Because there are two members of my family fanned out in this cemetery, walking into what is most certainly a trap, one who is already in the hands of the enemy, and the only thing I can think about is whether Camilla is still locked up safe inside the panic room where she should be.
I shake myself off. I need to get my head in the game if I want to walk out of this alive.
I creep up the side of the hill, using a mausoleum as cover until I reach the top and use a tree trunk. I stand completely still for long seconds, listening for any indication they know I’m here, but when I hear nothing, I peek around the edge of the trunk and find the cars I followed here.
There are men fanned out around the gravestones, and in the distance, Kovu is propped up against one with his eyes closed. He’s bound, which means unless he still has one of his knives on him, he’s probably not going to be a lot of help taking them down.
I continue my surveillance of the area until I see my father approaching from the other side of the hill, his focus on his phone as he snaps orders at the man walking next to him.
A few steps behind them is another man with his gun aimed at someone’s temple, and it’s only when they step into the dim light the lamps emit that I realize it’s Crew.
Two down. Two left in play.
I could pull my phone out and check Bishop’s location, but the light could attract unwanted attention this way, and although it’s clear they know we’re here, I’d like to keep as few of us in their possession as possible.
I watch from a distance as they escort Crew to where they’re holding Kovu and push him down beside my still-unconscious best friend. Under better circumstances, I would be smug that his always perfectly pressed suit is now covered in grass stains, but somehow I don’t think that’s the peak of our problems right now.
I survey the area again, looking for any weak spots in their formation, but from what I can see, you’d think these guys have done this a thousand times before.
Maybe it’s time to call for backup.
I reach for my phone, only to pause when I hear a gun cock.
“Drop the weapon,” they command, and I only hesitate for a second before I do as I’m told.
Three down, one left in play.
Iwatch from the shadows as Kaos is escorted in the same direction as the others.
This isn’t the first time that three of us have been taken out while one remains, but it’s been a while.
So long, in fact, that I think the last time was before Caleb faked his own death. After that, we made the rule that we all weren’t meant to go into dangerous situations at once to avoid us all being taken out in one fell swoop.
It’s a good thing Camilla is still locked up inside the panic room because I have no doubt in my mind that she would be throwing herself into the center of this without thought or hesitation.
I move through the tree line, keeping my footsteps light and my eyes on my surroundings as I move. I need to take some of these assholes out if we’re going to have any chance at all.
A man dressed in all black pulls his ski mask off and his phone from his pocket as he lights a cigarette a few yards ahead of me.
Doesn’t he know you should never let your guard down when you’re actively being hunted?
I quietly screw the silencer to the end of my gun as I creep closer, and I’m within a few feet when I finally lift the gun to his temple and pull the trigger without hesitation.
The rush I get every time I end someone’s life almost knocks me off my feet. I don’t get to have this kind of fun anymore, and if it weren’t for the fact that everyone I care about is currently in danger, perhaps I would be able to enjoy it.
Another two guys that are positioned at the edge of the cemetery meet the same fate before I drag their bodies deeper to conceal them.
I’m just throwing a fallen branch over one of them when voices break through the quiet night. “Where the fuck are they? They were given instructions to stay put until this is over!” someone growls, and I lean against a tree. I vaguely recognize the voice, but I couldn’t tell you who it is off the top of my head.