I need to think quick. They’re luring the others into a trap, that much is obvious without ever having to open my eyes. But the question is, where are we?
Dampness seeps into the back of my shirt, and cool grass brushes against the backs of my arms. Someone grasps me around the ankles, and both men groan under my weight as they lift me, giving me a chance to take stock of myself.
My head hurts, but I’ve had worse head injuries and have been able to fight my way through, so I’m not worried about it.
My face aches, making me think the asshole roughed me up after pistol whipping me like a coward. I shouldn’t be surprised that the man who got off on torturing a child can only go toe to toe with me when I’m unconscious.
Both my hands and feet are tied, making escape that much more difficult, but not impossible.
The knife is noticeably absent from its holster at my hip, but I have a backup in my boot if I can just reach for it without them noticing.
I swallow a grunt of pain as they drop me to the cold grass and drag me into a sitting position with my hands tied in my lap.
Not the worst position they could put me in.
Footsteps move away from me, and as slowly as I can manage, I open one eye and take in my surroundings as confusion falls over me.
Why are we in a cemetery?
There are three SUVs parked along the road that weaves through the graves, and if I’m not mistaken, my back is pressed against a headstone.
If this is Caleb’s idea of some sick joke, he’s really outdone himself on this one.
“Has the girl left the panic room yet?” Joel asks.
“Not yet, but we have a guy outside the office that will grab her the second she steps out,” Caleb replies, and my stomach sinks. If she’s still locked up tight, there’s a good chance she doesn’t know I’ve been taken, which is for the best.
My little lamb is too brave for her own good, and the last thing I want is for her to get hurt trying to save me.
“And the others?”
“They’re on their way. My son was doing a pretty shitty job of tailing us on the way here so he won’t be far away. I have our men spreading throughout the cemetery for when they inevitably split up.”
They’re walking straight into a trap, and there’s not a damn thing I can do to stop them.
“Pull over up here, and we’ll walk the rest of the way,” I tell Bishop. Kaos’s car came to a stop inside the cemetery a few minutes ago, and Kovu’s tracker has been in the center for a while now.
The question is, why would Caleb want to have things come to a head at the cemetery Camilla’s parents are buried in?
I check my phone and sigh when I see a message from Wyatt.
Wyatt: Your girl is real pissed. Just an FYI. I’m keeping an eye on her, but she’s been rifling around inside a drawer for the last five minutes looking for something.
Crew: Let us know if anything changes.
I pocket my phone and shove my way out of the car. It’s not often I regret wearing a suit, but today is one of those days.
We round the car, and when Bishop pops the trunk, he quickly lifts the false bottom and uncovers the firearms that are hidden away from prying eyes.
I reach for two more guns to go with the one already sitting in my waistband, while Bishop grabs one and a smoke bomb, making me raise a brow at him.
“What? We have no clue what we’re walking into, the element of surprise is all we can hope for at this point.”