Page 43 of From the Ashes

The warm air surrounds me as I step into the bar, if you can even call it that. The lush black carpet beneath my heels is free of stains, while the red and black accents and seating make the place seem even more upper-class than I expected it to when I met Elias and Wyatt. This place is beautiful.

I spot Leighton in a booth in the corner, her brow furrowed as she taps something out on her phone before she notices me walking toward her and immediately places it into the small clutch on the table in front of her.

“You made it!” She beams as she stands from the soft-looking red leather and throws her arms around me.

“Of course.” I half laugh, but I can understand the worry. I’ve never had many female friends, and those I did have were bitchy and mean. One misstep and you could forget about being part of their girl gang. Maybe Leighton’s experience has been similar to my own.

She pulls me into the booth, and I have to stop myself from moaning when I sit down. Jesus, this thing is comfortable, and that’s coming from someone who has struggled to sit down for almost a week. Fucking Kovu.

Just the thought of him makes my chest ache. He looked so dejected today when I saw him, but he needs to respect my boundaries. If this is ever going to work, they need to understand they cannot steamroll me into every decision. They have to give me space to make choices for myself.

“How have you been? I heard from Elias that you’re not staying with the guys at the moment?”

I shake my head and reach for the martini she slides toward me, taking a liberal sip. “I needed some time away from them. As I’m sure you can imagine, dealing with four strong-willed, pig-headed alphaholes is a lot, and I needed a bit of time to get my head on straight.”

“I know better than most people. Before I met Elias and Wyatt, I never thought a relationship like ours could work. Hell, relationships with just two people are complicated enough without adding more opinions and more feelings into the equation.”

I sigh. “How did you get past that?”

“Because they love me with all that they are.” She stares wistfully into space, a soft smile playing on her lips. “It’s heady having powerful men fall to their knees for you, especially with the way I grew up. I was always told I was unworthy, that every show of interest in me was nothing more than a political move to get close to my dad. But they changed that for me. They showed me my worth, and they haven’t stopped showing me since the day we met.” She shakes herself off and takes a sip of her own cocktail. “I’m sure things are different for you. From what the guys have said, you were always bound to be the next leader for your family. You’re used to doing things a certain way, and I’m sure they’re challenging that.”

“You can say that again,” I murmur. “I’m not used to relinquishing control or to letting other people take care of me.”

A sad smile tugs at the corners of her lips, and I take a moment to look her over. Her dark hair is curled around her shoulders, and where I’ve seen her with little to no makeup each time I’ve seen her, tonight her brown eyes are shadowed with a smoky eye that makes them look impossibly bigger. She’s wearing a tight red dress that contrasts against her pale skin, paired with a pair of chunky black heels.

“You know, that was one of the hardest things for me to get used to as well. I was in a toxic relationship before I met them, and they saved me in more ways than one. I’d always been told my pain wasn’t valid, that I shouldn’t want to be educated when I was just ultimately going to be a wife and mother. And then Elias and Wyatt walked into my life at one of my lowest points, and they never left. Every time I pushed them away, they pushed right back, and I’m so glad they did because I may not have ever been brave enough to take that step if it weren’t for their blatant disregard for what I thought I wanted and needed.” She laughs, and it lights up her face. Even before tonight, I could tell how much they loved each other. Every time I’ve seen one of them look at her, or the way she looks at them like they hung the moon just for her, it’s beautiful.

“How did you deal with them pushing you? My reaction is to immediately push back and to retreat, but then I miss them despite myself.”

“It’s just something that comes with time. At some point you have to accept that they want what’s best for you, and even when their decisions and actions may seem like a direct contradiction of that, they’re always doing what they think is in your best interests.”

I nod and take another long sip of my drink, reveling in the warmth that spreads across my skin. I know she’s right. Of course they should have told me about their involvement with my father’s death, but now that I’ve sat back and looked at it objectively, I probably should have known they were behind it because it’s written in the bylaws.

The five families aren’t permitted to harm one another, and should they renege on a contract or agreement, it’s the Syndicate who takes care of it because otherwise there’s room for grudges and potential war among the families.

Her eyes track toward the back of the bar, and before I can follow her gaze, she grabs my hand and squeezes. “They don’t ever fucking listen.” She blows out a frustrated breath. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told them I was meeting you because I freaking knew they would tell them.”

I glance over my shoulder and sigh. Bishop and Crew are walking toward me, their perfectly fitted suits open and the top button of their shirts unbuttoned, giving me a peek at the dusting of hair beneath the soft fabric.

Wyatt and Elias walk beside them, but their eyes are locked on Leighton, who glares at them with annoyance.

“No crashing girls’ night,” she snaps.

Bishop chuckles as he drops into the seat beside me and throws his arm around my shoulders, immediately engulfing me in his scent. Why does he have to smell so fucking good when he can be such an asshole?

“This doesn’t look like you giving me space.” I sigh, but I can’t find the anger I’ve been holding on to inside me. Each day I’ve spent away from them has been harder than the last, and I’ve all but made the decision to move back to the compound over the weekend, but I might have to extend my stay at the estate after this little show.

“Sorry, Little Menace. We gave you five days, that’s more than any of us thought we’d make it.” Crew buries his hands in his pockets.

“Would we call it giving me space when Kovu sleeps in the guest bedroom every night?” I raise a brow at him.

Bishop chuckles. “Some allowances had to be made to ensure he didn’t cart you home after the first night.”

I glance at Leighton, who has shimmied out the other side of the booth and is talking to her men in hushed whispers. “So what is this? Catch me off guard and kidnap me?”

Bishop shakes his head and ducks down so his lips are just a breath from mine. “No, love. We thought while you’re here that we could play.”

“Play?” I ask, and the sinful look they both give me makes me think I’ve severely miscalculated what kind of club I’m sitting in.