“Good morning, Bonnie.” I grin, thankful she’s finally dropped Miss De Marco. Every time someone calls me that, which is way more than I would like, I cringe at the name, even if it is technically the polite way to address me. I just don’t like it.
“Luca is in your office for your nine a.m. meeting,” she tells me. and I thank her before moving down the hallway.
The door is wide open, and Luca is sitting across from my seat, his phone in his hand as he types furiously. He’s primarily still taking care of the darker sides of the business while I get my bearings, and I’ve already decided he’s my second-in-command. I couldn’t care less if he isn’t family, he knows this business better than anyone else does, perhaps even me, and I’ve lived and breathed it since I was in elementary school.
He looks up at me with a tight smile, which is normal for him. His sharp jaw is covered in dark stubble, and his jet-black hair is perfectly styled, but it’s his eyes that steal the show. The vibrant amber is almost unreal, and if I wasn’t already desperately in love with four assholes who don’t deserve it, perhaps I’d be trying to climb the six foot three wall of muscle sitting in my office.
I drop my bag into my drawer and take a seat, careful of the still-healing cuts Kovu inflicted. The worst part about the whole thing is how little I hate that he did that to me, but I’m not telling him that in case he gets any ideas about doing it again. One declaration of ownership is quite enough to have on my body for the rest of my life, thank you very much.
“How are things?” I ask, folding my arms onto the edge of the desk.
“A bit slow for my liking,” he replies, finally locking his phone and turning his attention to me. “Usually at this time of year, things are ramping up, but the shipping yards have been quiet, and we’re noticing a decrease in the other families using our services to have goods imported into the city.”
I nod as I consider his words. We speak every other day, but this is the first time we’ve been able to sit down and talk about our plan of action and how we’re going to move forward from here. “Have there been any rumblings on the street?”
“I’ve heard a few things but took them as gossip at the time. It’s pretty well known at this point that you and the men of the Syndicate are…involved.” He raises a curious brow at me, and I can’t help but blush. I’m not used to discussing relationships with other people. I never even really did it with my friends in high school, I didn’t have the time. So to be sitting here talking to Luca about the fact that I have four boyfriends, for lack of a better word, is weird as fuck.
I swallow past the lump in my throat and nod. “We are, but I can’t see that being an issue for any of the other families, especially seeing as the ports are the only way to get shit into the city unless they want to bring it in on the highways, which is risky.”
“From what I’ve heard, Charles Davenport has a new partner, and they’re very insistent on taking down the Syndicate. It’s just whispers at the moment, but I wonder if that’s why some of the families have taken a step back from the docks, so they don’t get caught in the crossfire if war breaks out.”
I sigh. “That seems plausible. Keep an eye on the situation and let me know if anything changes.”
He nods and moves to stand. “Will do. I’ll keep you updated.”
“Oh, and Luca?”
“I’d like you to officially take on the role as my second-in-command, if you’re interested, of course.”
A smile tugs at the corners of his lips and uncovers dimples I’ve never seen before. Have I ever seen him look anything other than bored, now that I think about it?
“Thank you, Camilla. I’d be honored.” He glances down at his phone and curses. “I need to get going, but I’ll speak to you later.”
“Thanks, Luca.”
I watch as he leaves, giving Bonnie a tight smile on his way past that I’m sure made her just about pass out. She’s so good at her job, but Jesus, is she shy when it comes to the opposite sex. For the briefest of seconds, I think about setting her up with someone, and then I remember that everyone I know is a criminal, and she deserves better than that.
I lean down and grab my phone from my handbag, noticing a message from Leighton that has a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.
Leighton: Want to meet up for a drink tonight? You could come check out the Scarlet Lounge?
Camilla: I would love nothing more than a drink, but you know I’m technically underage, right?
Leighton: You’re a badass mafia queen, I don’t think some alcohol is gonna hurt. After all, my husband has patched up a gunshot wound and a stab wound for you in the last two weeks.
Camilla: HAHA okay I see your point. I have a fake ID somewhere anyway. See you tonight!
Leighton: Meet you in the bar at 8 xx
The idea of spending some time with another woman who, at least to some degree, understands what it means to be in a relationship with overly protective alpha males has a smile permanently on my lips as I start work for the day.
And let’s be honest, after the week I’ve had, the idea of an alcoholic drink is pretty good too.