At least if I could watch what’s going on out there, I might be able to settle myself enough to stay put, but without any clue if they’re safe, my instincts are running wild.
My phone buzzes in my hand, and dread washes over me as I stare at an unopened message from Kovu, which I know isn’t really from him. It’s from whoever has him.
Kovu: Too slow.
Tears fill my eyes, and I swallow down the rough sob that rises in my throat. Kaos told me to stay put. He said he had it under control, but what if he doesn’t? What if Kovu gets hurt because I didn’t hand myself over when I was told to?
I rush back the way I came, panic beating down on me. I need to make this right. I can track him with the tracker. Thank God Kovu gave me access to the app they use, even if I’m not sure the others know I have it.
When I reach the control panel, I type in the code as quickly as I can, but when it beeps at me in return, my stomach sinks.
That’s the code.
I know it is.
It’s my mother’s birthday backward.
It’s how I got in here.
The code has always been the same on the way out as it is on the way in. It’s designed like that so you don’t get stuck in here.
I force the panic down and try the code again. Maybe I just hit the buttons wrong in my haste. That would make sense.
Beep, beep, beep.
The red light in the corner of the panel taunts me as frustrated tears fall against my cheeks. This can’t be happening.
I need to get out of here. I need to go to Kovu.
I step back from the panel and take a few steadying breaths. I’m no use to anyone when I’m panicking, which means the only way I’m going to be of any help is if I can calm the fuck down and think this through.
Who do I know that can get me out of here if the code has been changed?
I don’t bother checking the time before dialing Leighton’s number, but thankfully she answers on the second ring. “Camilla, are you okay? It’s late.”
“Is Wyatt home?” I choke on the words. So much for not panicking.
“Yeah, he’s right here. What’s wrong?”
“I need help. They have Kovu. I need to get out of the panic room, but I’m stuck. I need help.”
There’s silence for a second, and then I hear the phone being passed over.
“Camilla, I need you to calm down for me.” Wyatt’s calming voice does nothing to settle the panic blaring through my veins, no matter how much I wish it would.
“They have him. I need to get out,” I sob.
“I’m sorry, Camilla, but I can’t help get you out.” His words sound genuinely remorseful, but there’s something I’m not quite grasping about the interaction.
“Of course you can. Crew’s told me about all the things you’ve done to help them over the years. This should be a piece of cake.”
“It’s not that.” He pauses, and my stomach rolls as I wait for him to tell me whatever it is he’s holding back. “Kaos asked me to lock down the panic room so you would be safe while they take care of whatever it is that’s going on.”
The panic that’s taken up residence in my chest morphs into something else entirely with just a single sentence. Anger like I’ve never felt before bowls me over, and every muscle in my body tightens as I wrestle to maintain control.