Fuck it. I have to clear my head, and I can’t do it here with Duncan in my space. “I’m out. Feel free to hang around, but don’t be surprised if my father doesn’t toss you out on your ass when he gets home if he finds you in his house and I’m not here. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t shoot you. If that’s a risk you’re willing to take…” I leave the suggestion hanging in the air between us as I grab my phone and shove it in my pocket.

I head toward the garage and grab my keys off the hook on the wall.

Dunc follows me to the garage, watching me curiously. “Mark my words, Matt. You’re pushing her away. All I’m saying is if I were in your shoes, I’d claim her properly, so every guy in the village knows she’s not to be fucked with. You’re gonna fuck around and find that she’s valuable to the right guy; you’re just too blind to acknowledge it.”

I dismiss him with a wave of the hand, then climb in my car and start the engine. I back out of the garage and close the door swiftly as Duncan makes his way toward his car.

How dare he hold Renata over my head like that. Shitty thing coming from your best friend.

I drive through the small market village with zero concern for the traffic laws. Fuck it all. Renata has my head all twisted, and I don’t know which end is up. I hit her name in my phone then click call, the sound of ringing grating on my nerves as the call routes to voicemail. “Damn it, Renata. Answer your phone.” She’s acting like a petulant child who didn’t get her way. All over sex? It doesn’t make sense to me.

I pull off to the side of the road and put the car in park.

I open the text app and begin typing.

I’m sorry, Rennie. I’m only trying to protect you. Please let me know you’re safe. -M

I don’t mention anything about Duncan because I don’t want her to think I’m jealous—I’m not. But I didn’t like the insinuations he was making.

Fact is, there’s more at play than either Renata or Duncan understand. My family has formed an alliance with the DeLuca family, and my father expects me to get close to one of the twins to strengthen their trust in our family business. I’m not fond of the idea, but denying an order from my father isn’t acceptable. On the other hand, if he finds out about Renata, he’ll take the shot himself.

I type out one more text to Renata before pulling out on the road.

If you forgive me, meet me at the café Saturday afternoon at 2.

Meeting her in public has to give her hope. It puts me in a vulnerable position, but I’ll do whatever I have to prove to Renata that she’s it for me.

Chapter 4


I fidget in my seat and glance at my phone. It’s almost twenty past two, and there’s no sign of Matteo. The cafe is empty, and I’m starting to feel on display, sitting here, waiting. I could call him, but I don’t want to seem desperate. Still, I must leave soon, so we won’t get long together.

The chattering of voices has me looking at the window, and my heart rises, only to fall when I see a group of Matt’s friends, but he isn’t with them. Duncan’s eyes meet mine, but his features remain impassive.

I can’t even wave at them and hope they come in so I can ask where he is, because most of them don’t know about us. We’re a dirty little secret because Matt and me? We could start a war between our families if it gets out that we are dating.

Only a small group of our closest friends know, and they aren’t likely to betray us to our families. Of course, if Nico were to hear about us, that would be really bad. He’d surely tell Mamma and Babbo, if he didn’t try to hurt Matteo himself. I think back to what Matteo said the other day, about Nico proving his loyalty to Babbo, and I know he was right. Nico may only be fifteen, but he’s unhinged. Then again, if he ratted me out to our parents, or even if he’d hurt Matteo, I’d tell them all about him. He’s disgusting. Sick. At fifteen, Nico is a certified manwhore who sleeps with women, actual grown women. But knowing his secrets gives me leverage, and Nico would have to realize we have a case of mutually assured destruction.

My mind flits back to Matteo. Where is he? It was a big step deciding to meet him here, and he blows me off without second thought. Did he get scared about meeting me in a public place? Was he concerned our families would find out about us?

He’s not here, and he’s not with his friends. Maybe an emergency came up? My stomach churns with anxiety, and I pick up my phone. It’s more important to find out he’s okay than to worry about looking desperate. I press his number, and it rings.

After four rings, he answers, and there’s a smile in his voice when he says hello.


“Yeah?” There’s a moment’s silence, and I hear a girl laughing in the background. Then he sighs. “Oh, shit. Ray, I’m sorry. I totally forgot.”

My heart sinks, and tears fill my eyes. He forgot? He suggested we meet. How the hell did he forget? And he’s using the nickname that I hate. Ray.

“Who are you talking to, Matty? It’s your turn.”

That was definitely a girl’s voice.

“Where are you?” I demand, sullen anger leaking out of my tone.

“I’m at home. My parents decided to have an afternoon of tennis as it is so nice. I couldn’t get out of it.”