I turn on my heels and head back to the den, knowing Duncan will follow. I fall back against the couch and flip the TV off, not even realizing the movie had been playing all this time. Duncan takes a seat on the corner of the couch. “You didn’t answer your phone when I called. Did you have company?” he asks, waving toward the uneaten popcorn on the coffee table.
“You called?” I ask, then glance at my phone. I couldn’t care less if he called or not. I open the text app, and there’s still no message from Renata. “Fuck,” I mutter under my breath.
“What gives?”
I scrub my hand over my face and toss the phone on the cushion beside me.
“Nothing. I need to go for a drive. Let’s catch up later.”
“A drive? Where to? I’ll tag along.”
“It’s all good, Dunc. I just need to clear my head and would rather be alone.”
“If you’re going after Renata, she’s fine. Just give her some space.”
Is this fucker serious? Duncan knows Renata and I have been seeing each other, but he doesn’t understand the complexity of our relationship. “How the fuck do you know anything about Renata?”
"She was walking, so I stopped and offered her a drive home. She seemed pissed off, wouldn’t hardly say two words to me, so I figured you’d upset her somehow.”
“You were at her house? Duncan, you’re a fucking fool. If Renata and I are made, it will be your fault. You’re gonna get me killed. Why didn’t you drop her at the corner or something?”
“I’m not a Mancini.” His face darkens as if he has the right to be pissed, not me.
“No, you’re definitely not, but you’re a known associate of the Mancini family, and the last thing I need is you trying to play the hero. Just stay out of our business.” Jesus Christ, why is everyone driving me crazy today?
“Nobody saw me.”
“That you know of. The families … they have eyes and ears everywhere, Dunc. That’s why I try to play it safe with Renata, but neither of you obviously understand the complexity of the situation.” Anger boils just under the surface.
“I made sure your girl made it home safely. More than you did obviously. I’d expect you to be more appreciative.”
“Fuck you, Dunc. I’m sure her safety was exactly what you had in mind when you offered her a ride, eh?”
I pick up my phone and open the text app again. She’s pouting, and I hate that I made her feel like this.
“Let me guess… She’s giving you the cold shoulder?” Dunc suggests, but I ignore him.
“What happened? Why was she so upset, Matt?”
“Why do you care, Dunc?”
“Because you hide her like she’s a dirty little secret. You should be proud to have her as your girl. If you don’t make a move soon, someone else will.”
Dunc doesn’t understand the unspoken rules between our families. He isn’t an heir to the family, like Renata and I both are; his family is normal. But he’s pushing my buttons and pissing me off. I don’t want to have this conversation with him. I wish he’d fucking leave.
“And is that someone you?” I laugh.
“Renata isn’t interested in me, Matt. She only has eyes for you. But you said it yourself she promised you her virginity, so why haven’t you acted on it yet? If she’s ready, she’s only going to wait so long before she gets tired of waiting. Unless she loves you, of course. But I don’t see her letting her guard down so easily when you insist on keeping her at arm’s length, stringing her along like a little rag doll.”
“Since when did you become so insightful on our relationship, Dunc? That’s creepy as hell.”
“She asked if you were seeing someone else, Matt. This have anything to do with the DeLuca girls?”
“That’s enough, Dunc.”
Dunc puts his hands up palms out as if to ward off my impending attack. “Just watching out for you, Matt. Like any good friend would do. Chill.”