I dial Renata’s number as I start my car and slam it down in drive. It rings once then goes to voicemail. I hit redial as I cut the curve out of the driveway. “Answer your fucking phone, Rennie.” Again, it rings once and goes to voicemail.
“Shit.” I toss the phone down in the dash and press my foot on the gas. There’s no fucking way I can show up at the Andretti estate and live to see another day. But I need to know what the hell is going on. I had no idea Renata came to the party, or how she even made it past security. I rewind my racing thoughts quickly, trying to recall any defining moment that would have thrown her into a fit of rage. Or, perhaps, it’s been building over time. There’s no way she caused this much destruction over something small or isolated, but I can’t think of anything specific. I have no idea what the hell’s happening, but I intend to find out.
* * *
I’ve called Renata a dozen times, and each and every time the call goes to voicemail.
Then I decided to call her best friend, Jill.
Jill answers on the first ring, swearing at me from the jump. “You have some fucking audacity, Matteo Mancini. What the hell do you want?”
“Where’s Renata? I need to talk to her.”
“Fuck you, you bastard. How dare you hurt her like this!”
“I didn’t do anything to hurt her. Why the hell did she bust up the bathroom?”
“Why don’t you ask your girlfriend about that, cheater.”
“Renata won’t answer my calls, Jill. That’s why I called you.”
“Not Renata, you dumb fuck. Ask Francesca. And what’s even more astounding is that you think I’d betray her to help you!” She lets loose a bitter laugh.
“Damn it, Jill. Just tell me what she saw that upset her so I can fix this,” I plead.
“There is no fixing this, Matteo. You’ve lost her for good. You crushed her soul. It was bad enough that you strung her along like a dirty little plaything, but all the while you were fucking her arch nemesis?”
“I wasn’t fucking anyone, Jill. Not that it’s any of your business.”
“Screw you, Matteo. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your distance from the Andrettis, or you just might meet a fate well deserved.”
I don’t entertain her threats. I click end on the call and sling the phone in the floorboard.
My mind is a clustered mess of jumbled thoughts, and before I realize where I’m at, I’m putting the car in park in front of the Andretti estate. I reach for my phone and check for any missed texts or calls, disappointed when there aren’t any. I dial Renata’s number, only for it to go to voicemail again. I take the risk and leave a message anyway. I’ve come this far; what’s the worst that could happen?
“Stop hiding. Talk to me, Renata. It’s the least you could do to help me understand what the hell is going on.” I sigh and scrub my hand over my face. “I’m here, Renata. Come out and meet me.” I click end and climb out of the car. Just as I’ve worked up the courage to approach the house, I’m grabbed from behind and slammed against the car.
“Matteo Mancini…” Nico forces his forearm against my chest to hold me in pace.
“What the fuck are you doing here? Got a death wish, Mancini?” His face is twisted in rage.
I bring my arms up and break Nico’s hold, shoving him backward. “Don’t put your hands on me, Andretti. I’m here to see Renata. Is she here?”
Nico regards me cautiously, his eyes narrowing into thin slits. “Renata? Why the hell would you come here to see my sister?” he asks, then his eyes widen as if the pieces of the puzzle have clicked into place.
“Well, if that isn’t some crazy shit. You’re fucking with her, aren’t you, Mancini. I ought to shoot you here and now for laying a finger on my sister.”
“It isn’t what you think, Nico. Will you ask Renata to come out and speak to me? I’m putting my life on the line by coming here, and you know it. I’m trying to do the right thing.”
“Renata isn’t here, and even if she were, I wouldn’t let you see her. Whatever is going on between the two of you ends now if you expect to live. Do you understand me?”
“You don’t make the rules, Andretti.” Who does he think he is? He’s barely out of diapers. I want to laugh, but he’s unhinged and already bigger than anyone has the right to be at that age. If we start fighting out here, then his entire family will hear, and Renata’s cover will be blown.
“You’re right. I don’t. But all it takes to call war is to tell my father what’s going on between you and Renata. It doesn’t matter if it holds any truth or not,” Nico threatens, and I realize there’s no use in talking to him. He’s right, and it would cause Renata to perhaps be sent away. Not liking it, but knowing I have no choice, I back down to an Andretti.
I open the car door, but before I climb in I say, “Tell Renata I was here.”
“Fuck you, Mancini. Stay the hell away from Renata, or the next time I see you will be the last time you take a breath.”