“I wish that I could say that I don’t know how you feel, but since I’ve been there, I get it,” he replied cordially enough to make me wary.

“Look, I don’t have anyone on my payroll that can find her without setting off alarms, and she’s too important to pay an outsider,” I told him. “I have no idea what’s in her background, and so I don’t need a freelancer making shit more complicated if I end up finding out that she’s an assassin or some shit.”

“Is that a possibility?” he asked, knowing better than to underestimate a woman, considering who his wife was.

“She killed three of my men,” I confessed, giving him whatever I needed to in order for him to give me what I wanted.

“Jesus fuck, O’Brien,” he huffed. “What the fuck are you Irish getting yourselves into over there?”

“Can I borrow Morocco or not?” I asked, irritated that I’d already told him too much.

“If it’ll put an end to your friendship with my wife, then you can borrow Morocco for as long as you fucking want,” he retorted.

“Christ on The Cross, how many fucking times do I have to tell you people that I don’t have a thing for your wife?”

“Tell you what,” he said. “Find your girl and marry her, then I’ll never bring it up again.”

“Not a problem since it was never true to begin with,” I shot back.

Ignoring that, Nero asked, “Can you send us what you have electronically?”

“I can ask my brother, but I’d rather just hand you the file,” I answered honestly. “The less traceable shit going back and forth between us, the better.”

“Kotov knows better than to start shit, O’Brien,” he remarked unconcerned.

“Except for the fact that the Kotovs are crazy, I’d agree,” I drawled out. “After all, it wouldn’t be unreasonable for him to think that we might be plotting something after these past two years.”

“I gave that man a piece of the Schultz,” he pointed out. “If I’d wanted to start a war to push you guys out, then I would have done it then.”

“Well, like you’re fond of reminding me, we’re not friends, Sartori,” I replied. “No one needs to start thinking otherwise.”

“You’re lucky that my wife respects you,” he said seriously, and now that I was in love myself, I knew exactly where he was coming from.

“So, where do you want my brother to drop off the file?” I finally asked.

“Since you’re concerned with Kotov, we’ll pick up the file from you,” he said. “Since it’s no secret that Savina used to live in your territory, if Aurelio is seen in the area, then it could be assumed that it might have something to do with Savina and the Olivers. Even though it’s been a year, Stewart Oliver just barely got his comeuppance, so it’s not farfetched to assume that Aurelio might be tying off some loose ends. If any of you are seen in Sartori territory, that might come with unexpected questions.”

He made a good point, though I loathed to admit it. “I can have Noah and Kevin meet with-”

“Just Noah,” he said, interrupting me. “Your brother wasn’t around when all that shit with Savina went down, so bringing him around now might raise some suspicions. Again, I don’t give a fuck, O’Brien. However, I understand how keeping the peace might matter more to you when considering the math.”

“Just so we’re clear, I’m not a fan of yours,” I said, making sure that Nero understood what this was and why.

“Likewise,” he replied smoothly. “However, don’t forget that we still have a common nuisance among us.”

“Klive Simpson,” I remarked.

“Klive Simpson,” he echoed. “Even if he is small time, I don’t like that he’s elusive or the fact that he’s trying to encroach on territory that’s already taken. He’s in Port Townsend for a reason, and I don’t like not knowing why.”

“I agree,” I replied because I did. “Maybe we should have another meeting to see what other rumors are out there.”

“I’m not opposed to that,” he said like a jackass.

“Fine,” I said. “However, in the meantime, have Aurelio message Noah on when and where to meet.”

“Not a problem,” he replied before hanging up, and I really did wonder what Kasen saw in the insufferable sonofabitch.

However, with no time to waste, I quickly called Noah, then told him that Provenza would be messaging him soon and why. I also wasn’t worried about whether or not Noah would do this for me. No matter what role he played in the organization, we were family first, and unlike the Italians, Noah would never turn his back on me for the sake of the greater good. While the Italians were extremely family-oriented, they’d also kill each other at the first sign of betrayal, blood or not, and we weren’t quite that cold when it came to blood. Yeah, anyone else, we didn’t give a fuck. However, family was different, so that’s why I knew that I could trust Noah with this, even over his objections.