“That’s unfortunate,” he replied evenly. “Stress can be a debilitating hardship for some.”
I started fiddling with my glass some more. “My…my sister’s sick,” I continued. “She’s sick, and neither of us have…have the medical insurance that…” I shook my head, waving away my fake problems. “You don’t want to hear about my life’s difficulties.
“On the contrary,” he said graciously. “If it’s a matter of money, I think that we might be able to help each other out, Ms…?”
“Mary Rice,” I said, providing him with a fake name.
“Ms. Rice,” he echoed. “I’m Cooper Donaldson.”
Because the entire nation knew who this man was, acting like I didn’t know who he was would be a giant red flag. So, lowering my lashes, I said, “I…I know who you are, Mr. Donaldson.”
“Please, call me Cooper, Ms. Rice.”
I looked back up into his handsome face as I said, “Then you may call me Mary.”
He arched a brow arrogantly. “You enjoy giving men permission to act?”
“I guess it depends on what they’re asking permission for,” I replied, hoping that he was buying this bullshit.
“I’m offering a mutually beneficial business transaction, Mary,” he said, ignoring my coyness. “The pleasure of your company in exchange for helping you out with your financial troubles.”
My eyes shot back towards my glass, then I downed the contents, hoping to look like a nervous wreck. I needed him to believe that this was my first time and that I was struggling with my conscience. I needed him to believe that I didn’t want to do this, but that I had no choice.
After licking my lips, I looked back over at him. “I don’t…” I closed my eyes, letting out another deep breath.
I felt his breath close on my face as he whispered, “Just say what you need to say, Mary. I promise that it’ll stay just between us.”
I opened my eyes again, then said, “I don’t…I don’t know what…what the fair exchange would be. I don’t know what you want or what I should…”
Leaning in closer to make sure that no one could hear him, he said, “How does ten-thousand dollars for access to every part of your body sound?”
My head reared back in faux surprise, but it was suddenly clear why those women would let him rough them up. While ten-thousand dollars felt like ten cents to this man, it could feel like ten-million dollars to a family that was really struggling. If he offered more, I could only imagine what these women allowed him to do to them.
“I…I…” I placed my hand on my chest. “That’s…that’s a lot of money, Cooper.”
“Not in the face of your beauty,” he replied smoothly. “And there’s plenty more where that will come from if we decide that we suit one another.”
I forced my lips to tremble a bit. “I…I could meet you…” I cleared my throat as I straightened in my seat. “Her…my sister’s treatment is ongoing until…until they can find a cure.”
Cooper gave me an understanding nod, and I let him believe it was cancer because most everyone was sympathetic to that particular disease. Cancer didn’t discriminate, and everyone knew it. It went after anyone that got in its way, and no one was exempt if it decided to go after you.
“Well, luckily for you, I visit Maryland a few times a year,” he said. “Perhaps an arrangement can be made, Mary.”
I pretended to let out a relieved sigh. “I…I have a room upstairs.”
Cooper winked at me. “Coincidentally, so do I.”
I smiled, and when he smiled back, that’s when I knew that I had him.
Chapter 23
“Yer losin’ it.”
“I know that already,” I hissed. “I don’t need a reminder.”
“We should have just killed the sonofabitch ages ago if you’re just going to end up doing it yourself,” he went on. “It would have saved us a lot more time.”