“Are you gentlemen done?” Keavy asked, sounding annoyed, and I didn’t blame her.
“I’d listen to the woman,” Brody chimed in. “I’ve seen the dead bodies that she’s left in her wake.”
Ignoring us all, Noah asked, “And you’re absolutely sure that they can’t be hiding in these other areas?”
“I can’t guarantee it, but it’s highly unlikely,” she answered. “Unless they have an experience camper in their group, they’re going to pick an area that’s safe enough to hide in, but not too deep that they’ll get lost or set themselves up to be bear food.” Adjusting her rifle over her good shoulder, she added, “And remember, if you can, use the shotguns. Anyone nearby will think it’s hunting gunfire and stay out of the way. If they hear semi-automatic guns going off, that could bring the authorities.”
“We’ll approach this area from all four sides,” I said, giving further instructions. “Tearney and Brody will take the north end, James and Desmond will take the south end, Noah will take the east end, and Keavy and I will come in from the west.”
“Since I know this entire area, I think that you and Noah should take the east end, and I can go in on the west side,” Keavy said, and I almost choked on my immediate rage.
I grabbed her chin in my fingers, then forced her to look at me. “Dinna push yer luck, lass,” I practically snarled. “Yer lucky da yer here ta begin with.”
Her green eyes were shooting fire up at me as she said, “That’s the other way around, Declan. Now, if you’ll quit forgetting who I am, then I’ll keep in mind who you are. Until then, you might as well get used to these kinds of fights, because they’re going to happen often.” She jerked her chin out of my hold to prove her point, and it was hard to focus when she was this fiery.
“I know exactly who da feck ye ere,” I shot back. “Yer mine. Yer mine, ana I will always pretect what is mine, lass.”
“Okay, we’na have time fer this,” Noah drawled out. “Ye ta can ‘ave yer foreplay later.”
I flipped him off, but his sarcasm broke the tension like he’d meant it to. “Fine.”
“Besides, Imma big boy,” he went on. “I canna take da east side oll by meself.”
“I have a question,” Tearney announced. “How will we know if they’re Klive’s men or honest-to-goodness campers? I mean, I have no problem with shooting first, then asking questions later, but I’d rather not murder a slew of people minding their own business if I don’t have to.”
“He’s got a point,” Brody chimed in.
“You’ll be able to tell by their firepower,” Keavy answered. “If you see shotguns, then they’re probably hunters. However, if you see anything that looks like it will hold up a bank, then they’re more than mere campers that are minding their own business.”
“Plus, I seriously doubt that they’ll be dressed for camping or hunting,” I added. “These are small-time criminals, so I don’t see them dressed as experience campers, hunters, or hikers.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sakes,” James drawled out. “As long as there aren’t any children in the picture, just start shooting.”
“You really need to get right with God, James,” Desmond quipped.
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” James deadpanned.
“Is everyone ready?” Keavy asked, ready to go do what needed to be done, regardless of the ten years that she was taking off my life by just being here.
I stared at her as the men all agreed that they were ready, and I had no idea how I was going to handle anything happening to her. She held my soul in the very palm of her hand, and she didn’t seem to care or realize just how much power that she had over me.
As the men started filing out of the kitchen, I grabbed her hand, then stopped her, yanking her back towards me. Staring down into her emerald gaze, I said, “You save yourself if anything goes sideways out there, Keavy. Do not risk yourself for any of us.”
Her eyes lit with fire. “Because you think that I’m just going to leave you guys to die?”
“Every man here knows what he signed up for, Keavy,” I reminded her.
“And so did I when I agreed to hand over the rest of my life to you, Declan,” she fired back. “The deal was that we’d do this together, and that includes dying together if that’s the case.”
My heart dropped to my stomach as she mentioned dying so casually. “Baby, don’t do this to me.”
Keavy placed her left hand on my cheek as she said, “Quit underestimating me, Declan. Let me show you what I can really do.”
“Just as long as you don’t die on me, lass,” I ordered before doing the unthinkable.
Chapter 40