Chapter 37


Once we got back home, I followed Keavy into the bedroom, and I watched silently as she began looking for something in her duffle bag. She was living out of a couple of bags and one box, and I knew that I needed to get her moved in completely soon.

“We’re going back out to the cabin tomorrow morning,” I informed her, and her entire body froze.

Straightening to turn back towards me, she asked, “For what?”

“To scour as much of the woodlands as we can for any signs of Klive or campers,” I answered.

“Not without me you’re not,” she stated firmly, and I wondered if our marriage was always going to be like this.

“Keavy, you’re still recovering from a gunshot wound,” I pointed out.

“Ask me if I care, Declan,” she retorted.

“I care,” I snapped.

“I already told you what my terms are,” she reminded me. “We can either do this together, or I do it on my own.”

I ran my hands down my face before linking my hands together, then stretching them over my head. I also cracked my neck for good measure, but none of it helped. It was like every word out of her mouth was designed to emasculate me, even though I knew that wasn’t her intention. We were two strong-willed people in a very serious relationship, and the learning curve felt more like a straight dive off a cliff, instead of something that could actually be navigated.

Walking across the room, I didn’t stop until I was standing in front of her, my hands automatically going on her hips. “Keavy, I can’t have you getting hurt again,” I told her. “It’s bad enough that I can barely control myself every time you wince or seem uncomfortable.”

Her shoulders sagged with either irritation or sympathy, and my bet was irritation. “I get that,” she semi-lied. “I get the concern, but…but that can’t apply to me.”

My head reared back at that. “Wha’ in da feck does da mean?”

Keavy looked at me sadly, and that had my heart dropping to my knees. “Declan, I’m never going to be the kind of girl that hides in the closet. If…if you always need to be the hero in your story, then I’m not the girl for you. I’ll never be that girl. I don’t know how to be that girl.”

“Baby, I don’t need you to hide in the closet,” I assured her. “I just need you to hide behind me.”

“I don’t know how to do that, either,” she confessed.

Instead of responding to that, I reached for the hem of her top, then carefully pulled up the right side, and after assisting me the best that she could, I was finally able to let the garment slide down her left arm, then onto the floor. Her green eyes stayed locked on mine as I reached for the strap of her summer dress next, the simple string falling softly against her bicep. Keavy wasn’t wearing a bra for obvious reasons, so I could easily see how hard her nipples were through the flimsy fabric.

Luckily for me, her dress buttoned in the front, right up the middle, giving me perfect access to every spot on her body. I pushed the other strap down off her right shoulder before I went to work on the buttons, and Keavy still didn’t say anything. She just stared up at me boldly, waiting for my next move, always so un-fucking-afraid.

“I don’t need you to be anything that you’re not, Keavy,” I told her truthfully. “I just need you to learn how to be you with me in your life.”

“You say that like it’s the easiest thing in the world,” she replied a bit breathlessly.

As the buttons on her dress popped open, I said, “It is when you care about someone enough to try.”

Her dress started to slide down her frame as each button became useless, and when the swell of her tits peeked up over her dress, my dick rose to full mast, my need for her something that was probably always going to bring me to my knees.

Keavy closed her eyes when my left hand reached up to cup her breast through the fabric of her dress, and it felt like my hands had been created to worship her. She felt so fucking right standing next to me, and it was a peace that I hadn’t felt in too many years to count. As sappy as it sounded, I felt like I could do anything as long as I had this woman by my side. If I was a king, then Keavy was the kingdom, and a king was nothing if he didn’t have a kingdom to call his own.

“I love you,” I said, making her eyes snap open and widen with disbelief. “And if you think that I care that it’s only been a few days, then you’re wrong.”


“Don’t say anything, baby,” I said as her dress finally slid off her body entirely, leaving her standing before me in her panties only. “Just let me look at what belongs to me.”

“I think that this is the part where I’m supposed to say that I don’t belong to anyone,” she replied quietly.

“You’re only supposed to say that if you’re trying to prove something, and we’re way past that, Keavy,” I countered. “You don’t have to prove to me how strong you are, and I don’t have to prove to you how capable I am. Baby, the only thing that we need to prove is how we feel about each other, and I’m going to start by eating that sweet pussy of yours until you beg me to stop.”