Page 6 of Vows In Corruption

When I see that it’s a bunch of old men sitting in executive seats, I start feeling discouraged.

If I get this job, am I going to be the youngest person working there? God, I hope not.

Finding the employee list a little discouraging, I head over to the history of the company tab. Surely that’s more interesting than who is running the place.

It takes a few seconds for the page to pop up but when it does it takes me a bit by surprise.

This portion of the website definitely has a different feel to it. Especially once I start reading about the company started out as family company.

Founded by Thomas Robert Lane I and then later ran by Thomas Robert Lane II until his death twenty-four years ago.

That’s sad.

I continue reading to check if possibly the third Thomas Lane took over after his dad died, but it doesn’t say.


There wasn’t a Lane on the list of employees that I found either. I wonder what happened that resulted in a family company no longer being in the family.

With my curiosity at an all time high, I start looking up the family.

I’ve heard the name here and there but I never really paid much attention. Like I didn’t know much about the company with living here for fifteen years, I know squat about the family that formed it.

Apparently I’m not the only one that looks up this family because as soon as I tape in the word Lane, the family is second in the search suggestions.

My heart sinks when one of the first results to pop up is an obituary. Not just for Thomas Lane II but also his wife.

“They died together?” I find myself whispering.

I don’t know these people but a lump forms in my throat out of sadness for them.

Reading through how they died in a car accident one rainy night, has the lump growing a bit more and tears spring into my eyes when I read that they left two kids behind. Robert who was sixteen and Bennett who was eight.

Robert has to be the third Thomas Lane. I wonder why he hasn’t taken over the family business yet.

I scroll to the end of the obituary and find that whoever created it, added pictures of both Thomas and his wife, Catherine.

They look so happy together.

Did they go out on a date night and had all the hopes in the world to come back to their kids but didn’t?

That is heartbreaking and just thinking about it has me tears in my eyes falling down my face.

The tears continue as I swipe through the photos and find one of the Thomas and Catherine with their two boys.

I didn’t have to know the couple to know that the two boys were their entire lives. I can see it in their smile and in their eyes.

All for of them look so happy and carefree together and all of that was taken from them.

Wanting to have something good come from all of this, I leave the obituary behind and search up their oldest son, Robert.

Weirdly enough, nothing passed his parents funeral comes up.

Did he die too?

What would make this story all that more tragic.

I really hope that isn’t the case, though. Maybe he just doesn’t want to be in the public light and wants to live his life as secretly as possible.